Competition is one of the two best words in the English language are Competition and Excellence.
Competition works to raise up the standards, and in business, it works to lower costs. When the butcher, the baker and the brewer compete, the quality of the product increases while the cost decreases.
The opposite is true. Take away competition, and the manufacturer, knowing there is no competition, will begin to cut costs, use inferior products and will allow quality to suffer. Additionally, because there is on one to counter what he offers, he can raise prices if for no other reason but because he can.
This is basic economics and no one should be surprised by this – unless you think the government should be taking care of you, setting minimum price controls, and regulating you out of business.
The same is true with elections. When you have elections, the people get to decide who will best represent them. They get to see who has the excellence, the character and the direction that best matches what they are trying to accomplish. Through elections, the people get to hold accountable those currently in office by voting them out, if the office holder has not performed well or kept their promises.
I believe in the people. Competition in elections is best. Let the people decide.
Competition brings out the best in all of us. Why do we want to accept anything less?