If you stand directly at the South Pole you are literally located at the bottom of the world. Take one step, regardless of direction, and you will be moving north and away from the pole. Temperatures at the South Pole, even during the six-month “summer,” never come close to freezing. Furthermore, since frigidly cold air can hold very little moisture, the South Pole is also the driest spot on the planet. These brutally cold and desert-dry conditions support no animal or plant life, and no biodiversity.
Like the South Pole, there has recently arisen according to Canadian cognitive psychologist Steven Pinkerton an “ironically intolerant Left Pole” on many American colleges and universities that is equally cold and barren – not of life, but of intellectual curiosity and diversity. And one lone step taken in ANY direction from the Left Pole is a step to the Right. As a result, should a student introduce an opinion that runs contrary to prevailing leftist orthodoxy, he or she will not only face a left-wing Inquisition at the hands of faculty and administration, but likely receive physical threats from a loathsome and tyrannical left-wing mob with the scent of blood in its nose.
To better understand how life at the Left Pole differs from normal life, it is important to master the fundamental differences between Right and Left.
Right-leaning traditionalists believe in the realities of nature, culture, and religion that make us what we are, and in the natural hierarchies, that are implied in the natural world. In the West, these hierarchies are based mostly on competence, and therefore inequality is built into existence. Those of us on the Right accept this reality.
The Left, on the other hand, sees the world only in terms of equality: the whole of society—equal; the whole of humanity—equal. Those on the Left Pole believe that governments can engineer a universal equality into existence, wiping out the unequal, inherited orders of class, sex, nation, race, religion, morality, and thus creating a New Humanity. At the Left Pole only the largest whole—humankind—is good, because only at the level of all humanity can there be true equality and fraternity uniting all people. This is why Leftists believe in open borders and equality of outcomes among groups, and spout such unscientific nonsense claiming race and gender are mere social constructs concocted by the white male hierarchy to divide and conquer the rest of humanity.
Intellectual life at the Left Pole sees the world strictly divided between oppressor (straight white males) and the (allegedly) oppressed (people of color, women, and LGBTers), and it is precisely those oppressors who are standing in the way of their utopia. Never mind the fact that people of color have invaded and conquered and oppressed whites for centuries or that people of color have erected and still maintain their own hierarchies that are far more discriminatory and oppressive. Take for example, the caste system in India, the life of a dhimmi (non-Moslem) in modern Pakistan, the status of women under Sharia, Mexico’s own racist immigration policy, or the very inconvenient fact that blacks in America commit hate crimes at double the rate that whites do (FBI Hate Crime statistics for 2016). None of these facts exist at the Left Pole because the intellectual freeze makes those who even bring this data up shiver with fear of being marginalized, ostracized, and penalized.
Communists in the USSR boasted of having created “The Soviet Man” who was free of lust, greed, and prejudice. Today’s leftists are equally fanatical and delusional in thinking they can attain heaven on earth through this utopian New Humanity. And anyone or anything that gets in their way is to be obliterated. Just look at now leftists and ethno-activists such as Antifa riot when “Nazi-like” speakers like Ben Shapiro try to speak on campus.
As the brilliant psychologist and commentator Jordan Peterson puts it, the Right goes over the edge when it embraces doctrines of racial and religious superiority and discrimination. Most conservatives know that and thus draw the line at these exclusionary doctrines and eschew those who embrace them. However, the Left makes no such attempt to rid itself of its extremists. The media, which also is stuck at the Left Pole, aids and abets in this delusion by going out of its way to avoid cases of left-wing excess and extremism. As a result, Democrats have failed to come to grips with the possibility of left-wing bigotry and injustice, to include the appalling lack of intellectual diversity in many universities. For example, just see if any of the Democratic trolls who read this will be able to name a single case in which a prominent Democratic leader has condemned the student riots on our college campuses against free speech.
But we must be forgiving and understanding. Because when you are stuck at the Left Pole the landscape is just like that of the South Pole – monochromatically monolithic. And you can only tolerate and voice one point of view.