I have been to the Kennedy Center on a number of occasions. Sometimes to see a particular event and other times just to wander around inside. It really is a magnificent place, a tribute to the American arts. However, in an astounding revelation by the Trump Administration, the Kennedy Center has:
No cash to pay current bills. No cash reserves to draw on. Is using borrowed debt to pay bills. Has deferred maintenance to the point that the Kennedy Center building is in disastrous condition. Essentially, it is bankrupt even though it has been given upwards of a quarter of a billion dollar per annum by the Congress to sustain itself.
The immediate blame for this situation falls on the leadership of the Kennedy Center and its profligate expansion of salaries. (To me, this is another convenient excuse for yet another money laundering scheme of the Democratic Party in power.)
To try and save the situation, Trump has fired a number of directors and will apparently install himself as the Chairman of the Board. The question is how much taxpayer cash will be needed to bail out the situation? It is likely to be in the billions of dollars.
There is a growing chorus of taxpayers demanding that the Kennedy Center be shut down and sold off in part or in whole to private sector investors. May it can be rescued by some charitable foundation of billionaire donors or sold off to an internet site like Amazon Prime.
This apparent waste, fraud and abuse raises another set of question. What about the Smithsonian and other federal museums around the country? What about the National zoo? What about God knows what since nothing appears to be sacred to the democrats?
The questions, of course, gets bigger. Is this grift a pattern for the theft of taxpayer money at every federal department, agency, and institution. I recently read that an estimated $500 billion plus of the federal government budget has been siphoned off to fraud and abuse. Nominally, 10% of the annual appropriations are converted to fraud – and it is likely higher than that.
The criminals have to pay for this. Charges need to be filed. And corrupt judges prevented from excusing this waste, fraud and abuse.
Kennedy Center was a beautiful place. Democrats destroyed it. They must pay.
The final piece of the puzzle is Kash. Let’s see who gets arrested? And there better be some big names.
Smithsonian gets about $1.25 billion per year – two thirds from federal appropriations. How much did the dirty Dems rip off?