Democrat candidate for Lt. Governor, Great Falls resident Susan Platt, is supporting the removal of all Confederate monuments in Virginia and changing the names of all highways and buildings named after Confederate heroes. That would mean many high schools across the state would be forced to change their names, including schools in Northern Virginia, like Robert E. Lee and Jeb Stuart high schools. She would like to see the names of buildings changed to names like Doug Wilder, the first Black Governor in the nation, and former Attorney General Mary Sue Terry, the first woman to hold statewide office in Virginia.
From the Richmond Times-Dispatch:
“If I am elected lieutenant governor, I will ask the governor to appoint me to lead a commission charged with taking down Confederate monuments as well as renaming Confederate-themed highways and public buildings,” Platt said in a news release. “Our taxpayer dollars should not be used to celebrate a rebellion against the United States of America, a rebellion intended to maintain slavery.”
Wow. So let’s just pretend that Virginia had no role in the Civil War and our ancestors didn’t die in that war to defend their homes.
Read more about this ridiculousness here and here.
A list of the over 200 Confederate monuments that would need to be removed if Susan Platt becomes Lt. Governor here.