As most of you are aware, earlier this week Mitt Romney unleashed a tirade against Donald Trump. In doing so, Romney showed only why he lost his race for President in 2012. For the record, I was a member of a group called Evangelicals for Mitt Romney. I worked my you know what off for Romney in 2012. And I now see in retrospect that my time spent on behalf of Team Romney was a complete waste of my life.
In Romney’s bizarre rant, he said and I quote: “Trump’s words and actions have caused dismay around the world”. The fact is that Trump has gotten the 2 Korean nations to sign a peace treaty after 6 decades of being at war. ISIS has been eliminated in Syria and is no longer a real threat to the USA.
Mitt also states “On balance, his (Trump’s) conduct over the past 2 years, particularly his actions last month, is evidence that the President has not risen to the mantle of his office”. The fact is that Trump has helped to pass the most significant piece of legislation (Trump Tax Reform) since the 15th Amendment. Minority unemployment is at its lowest level in decades. We have near full employment. What else is Trump supposed to do? Singlehandedly come up with a cure for cancer? Quite frankly, Trump could single handledly cure cancer and Mitt and his new buddies in the Democratic party would be screaming that they want their rights to have cancer.
Romney goes on to say that “a presidency shapes the character of our nation. A president should unite us and inspire us to follow our better angels”. Theoretically, Romney is correct here. I would prefer a debate based on policies and one which the tone is raised. But we do not live in normal times. We live in an era when you have one political party which is actively trying to destroy the nation and will not stop until their bizarre ideology is defeated. We live in a time when you have the silencing of free speech by the PC Thought Police. And while I don’t agree with everything that Trump says, the fact is – Trump fights. Something you my dear Mitt refused to do when running against this juggernaut. You my dear Mitt Romney were going up against an unpopular incumbent who had passed one of the most unpopular pieces of legislation in American history (Obama Care). You refused to take the fight to Obama, and allowed Obama and his acolytes to further destroy the moral fabric of this nation.
Most concerning of all, it is obvious to anyone who isn’t blind that you have no moral core or center. You were opposed to Trump (2016) before you supported Trump (December 2016) to which you thanked Trump for endorsing you for Senate (2018) to opposing Trump again (December 2018). You my dear Mitt flip flop more than did John Kerry. More scary, you are also tone deaf. The party has changed over the past few years. The GOP is now a grassroots bottom up party which wants work done to protect our borders and demands that its politicians live up to their word. Donald Trump has done or tried to do pretty much everything that he promised. Trump has helped pass the Tax Reform bill which also opened up drilling in Alaska, killed the Individual Mandate in Obama Care, passed corporate tax reform, and passed tax cuts for working families. But you sir are so blind that you cannot see any of this. All you have accomplished here is to look like a weasel and a moral reprobate. You needed Trump’s help and endorsement to get elected, and once you don’t need Trump’s help – you trash him and trash his supporters and all the good work that has been done because you are upset that your beloved GOP Establishment is being shown to be a bunch of frauds.
In your last paragraph is the only place where you are correct. You state: “I remain optimistic about our future”. Many Americans do, but they remain optimistic about the future because of the great work done by President Trump. Get used to it. Trump is a great President and you were are no more than a has been.
Shame on you Mitt shame on you.