What are Robby Mook and CNN finding out?
All the record setting 24-7 CNN Trump bashing in the world and Clinton’s $150 million barrage of negative advertising over the last 15 days and this is what the Clinton camp has to show for it: a virtual polling dead heat.
No wonder why sheer panic has set in.
After trumpeting every new poll showing Clinton pulling away from Trump as “breaking news,” the mainstream media has grown eerily silent in the last 48 hours. They don’t like the latest polling results.
First Bloomberg came out with a survey that showed Clinton’s lead over Trump, once thought to be as high as 15 points, had dwindled to four percent with Johnson and Stein. That was dismissed as a bad sample by media lapdogs.
Then on the same day, a new LA Times/Dornsife poll shocker showed the race a virtual dead heat: Clinton 44.8 percent to Trump 43.3 percent. That poll’s methodology was mocked as an “outlier.”
Now today the newest Rasmussen public opinion survey has Clinton up by three points: 43% to Trump’s 40%. This is within the poll’s 3% margin of error.
Three polls. Three days. Three virtual ties.
Now what?
This might explain Clinton surrogate Christine Quinn’s hair on fire hysteria on CNN last night. Talk about embarrassing.
They know they are going to lose this election. To Trump.
Trump had the worst two weeks of any Presidential candidate in U.S. history.
He was pummeled non-stop-around the clock by the entire U.S. mainstream media, and he was outspent $150 million to zero in negative broadcast advertising.
But What About Those 50 Republican Turncoats?
And what of the 50 GOP members of the Committee on Foreign Relations who signed the letter that disavowed Trump?
Good riddance.
Mr. Trump should wear that letter like a badge of honor.
The discredited band of Bush era neo-cons who signed it have been dead wrong on every foreign policy decision/position they have taken in the last 30 years, and their foreign interventionist policies have failed America.
The end result of their disastrous Paul Wolfowitz style interventionist policies: body bags, limbs blown off, wheelchairs, thousands of wounded Vets with no care and $20 trillion in debt.
The Middle East is a mess, ISIS is running amok and China is dumping billions of tons of steel in the U.S. in an effort to kill the off the U.S. steel industry.
To these band of 50, America’s role in the world is to control Russia, defend Europe, manage China, isolate Iran, threaten North Korea, nation build all over the globe, and meddle in every regime change to promote western values.
The Republic-con 50 also want to convert Syria, dump Assad, dictate Iraqi politics, run Libya, tell Yemen what to do and turn Afghanistan into pro a Washington style democracy.
All this while embracing global trade deals that run up $800 billion trade deficits in perpetuity and gut our manufacturing base on the alter of outsourcing.
They fear a Trump administration would further expose their warped vision of “Masters of the Universe”, they would be dismissed, and their paid contributor gigs and book deals would dry up.
Come to think of it, they should vote for Mrs. Clinton.
She’ll continue their disastrous policies unabated.
Trump will not.
Trump’s foreign policy vision of America First doesn’t include their appetite for Washington’s international meddling, NATO building and war mongering