However one feels about our President Donald Trump, the fact is that our economy has improved during his term, and much of this is due to his policies of deregulation and tax cuts – typical Republican/conservative policies. Something that everyone should be doing, be they Democrat, Republican, Independent, conservative, liberal or whatever – is wanting our country to do well and succeed.
However, the Never Trumpers have gone so far overboard that they are now rooting against American success and trying to deny Trump’s success in office. Some of them have gone so far as to say they hope that Republicans lose the House of Representatives so that Trump will be impeached. These include Max Boot of the Council on Foreign Relations. Boot, a lifelong Republican, is rooting for Democrats to take back the House so that they will impeach Trump. “I worked as an adviser on three Republican presidential campaigns,” Boot said recently “but now I’m actively rooting for Republicans to lose the congressional elections … because the Republicans have shown they are unwilling to uphold their oaths of office.”
Just so everyone knows, the Congressional Oath of Office is as follows: I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
However I may feel about certain Congressional incumbents – I don’t think that they have violated any oath of office. I disagree with many of the Republican members of the House, and would like to see them beaten in a primary fight and then have a more conservative candidate win. But that does not mean those who aren’t movement conservatives are violating the Congressional Oath of Office.
Some are just actively rooting for America to fail so that Democrats can get back in power. These so called “patriots” such as Bill Kristol think that Trump’s tweeting and his calling some third world nations “s—holes” are more long lasting than Trump’s great accomplishments. While I share their concerns about some of Trump’s tweets, the fact is anyone who thinks that calling a failed nation state a 0000hole is more important than putting the average American to work, is more out of touch than Nancy Pelosi. The average American is worried about putting food on the table for their kids, making sure their kids get a good education and living their share of the American dream. Probably 70% of the US population would agree that some 3rd world nations are 0000holes. One can debate whether it was the right thing to say, and we can also debate whether or not those words were said. But to think that putting people to work is not as important as the feelings of someone who does not live in the USA, or who can’t figure out that American culture is vastly superior to other lesser nations………..
It is high time for us to accept the fact, that Never Trump Republicans are as big a threat to our American experiment as Progressive liberals are, and these people should not be welcomed back into our GOP. They are not conservatives, they are not Republicans. They are doing the work of the Progressives for the Progressives. These are people who would sell out our children to get a few minutes of face time on ABC/CNN/NBC . They are traitors who would sell you and your family out. Never Trumpers are the most dangerous inhabitants of the swamp.