Ralph Northam, who seems to be running a campaign theme of “Let me see how many voters I can ignore” reached a new low yesterday, when the largest traditional campaign forum of the League of Women Voters and the AARP announced they were going to cancel the forum, because Ralph Northam refuses to participate.
Think about what I just said. Ralph Northam, who has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood, and who supports issues which the League of Women’s Voters and the AARP tend to favor, will not face his own supporters in a candidate forum. Not to mention that this forum is traditionally one of the best attended and most respected forums by the liberal media. The fact that Northam refuses to talk to his own supporters about issues they care about shows just how worthless he is as a candidate.
Contrast that to Ed Gillespie, who has come out with a specific tax cut of 10%, and is talking about how Richmond needs to reduce regulations to ensure that businesses can grow and prosper. Ed has been talking about the opiate epidemic in Virginia, and what we need to do to combat this. Ed has come up with a rather brilliant campaign finance reform plan which would have helped one of his opponents in the GOP primary (Denver Riggleman) by stopping the sleazy practice of campaigns transferring funds from one campaign to fund a different race. (For the record, I ran for the House of Delegates in 1997 and 1999 and this was one of my policy initiatives.)
Even the League and the AARP can’t explain away Northam’s shocking decision to not attend their forum. All the League could say was “The League of Women Voters looks forward to collaborating again with the AARP. The People’s Debate Tradition will continue to keep all Virginia citizens aware of the issues facing our Commonwealth”.
Sorry but when your own anointed one can’t show up for his own supporters – what does that say about the Northam campaign? For the record, AARP has over 1 million members in Virginia. Also for the record, this shows that the Democrats have nominated the ultimate wimp in Mr. Northam.
More from AARP here.