Today is tax day, and for millions of Virginians, April 15th serves as a vivid and painful reminder of the burden placed upon their families by an excessive and bloated government operating wastefully, and far beyond its core functions.[read_more]
While campaigning door-to-door, I’ve had the opportunity to listen to Virginians from all backgrounds share their frustrations with the tax burden here in Virginia, which was recently ranked #40 in tax freedom by the Tax Foundation.
Our tax burden is heavy and our frustrations immense. I feel your pain.
I’m running to bring tax relief to the millions of Virginians burdened by our tax system.
Recently, the Daily Press reported that Virginia tax revenues are up $800 million dollars from last year, which represents an increase of 7% from last year.
Bill Howell’s massive 2013 tax hike is already doing exactly what he intended: growing government revenue at the expense of our overburdened family budgets.
Despite strong revenue collections, our leadership still isn’t taking charge and delivering tax relief, just as they didn’t from 2010-2013, when Virginia posted budget surpluses of $403 mil., $545 mil., $448 mil., and $879 mil., respectively.
It’s time that Virginia’s large, consistent surpluses be returned to the wallets of the taxpayers from which they were taken.
Career tax hiker Bill Howell does not feel your pain. He told the Times-Dispatch:
“To say we are overtaxed or a high-taxed state is just (being) in denial.” – Bill Howell
He also said we’re “in denial” when stumping for his 2013 tax hikes – listen here.
He has lost his way and has been in Richmond too long — 28 years too long.
Where is the loyalty to the people? As Speaker of the House he has used his authority to raise our taxes 3 times. At what point do we say “Enough is enough. It is time for new leadership.”?
I say the time is now.
I have a record of cutting taxes and fighting for every person to have increased opportunities. My campaign in the 28th House of Delegates district is about loyalty to the people, to the truth and to respecting every person’s worth and right to live freely and be the best they can be.
We are winning this campaign — door to door and person to person.
Bill Howell can run but he can’t hide from his record of hiking taxes over and over on Virginians. He can’t hide from his record of playing shell games with our hard-earned tax dollars.
As our campaign builds and as I talk to more and more voters in the 28th House District, I have never been more sure of my decision to enter into this race and claim our stake in our government.
Today may bring you frustration as you realize how many opportunities you have lost to a burdensome government but — take hope — help is on the way.
I hope you will join with me and send a message to the politicians that we will accept nothing less than a government that remembers its place and respects our liberty.