I have often heard that politics is defined as poly- meaning many, and tics, meaning blood sucking parasites.
It is not a bad definition.
But actually it is a living example of the Stockholm syndrome.
For those that do not know, the Stockholm syndrome is defined as the irrational is a condition which causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors as a survival strategy during captivity.
And that is exactly what political party allegiance has created.
As I sit here typing this, President Trump is ‘seriously considering’ banning suppressors by executive (read unconstitutional) order. Just like he unconstitutionally banned so called ‘bump stocks’. Trump has also cranked up the debt by 2 Trillion Dollars and is imposing restrictions on free market trade between our nation and the World with his tariff follies.
And many so called ‘conservative free market’ voters are supporting him.
I guess is no different than when then President Obama drone bombed and killed thousands of innocent civilians and the anti-war left disappeared in 2008, just like when President Clinton waged undeclared military actions in the Middle East. Or when then President George W Bush crushed the 4th Amendment with the creation of the NSA, TSA, the DHS and the un-Patriot Act. Remember, Bush campaigned on a smaller government and humble foreign policy, only to grow government faster than any previous president and waged undeclared, never ending wars around the Globe…and Republicans sat quietly.
Or maybe even when President Reagan, for all his liberty loving rhetoric, grew government as well.
And again, conservatives, for the most part, sat silent.
When President Trump was elected, I was personally chastised for saying we will have more unconstitutional gun laws under his watch than we did under Obama.
But I was right.
Apparently we have become not a nation of principles, but rather one of personalities. Where as long as we ‘beat’ the other guys, who cares what laws are passed.
And we are soon to see the same here in Virginia with the upcoming state elections. I cannot wait to be told the same old tired lie I have heard since I started voting in 1989, ‘this is the most important election in your lifetime’. I have heard this old song and dance every single election cycle, and it is used to further the Stockholm effect, to keep your base in line while the candidate runs roughshod over principles they should instead be upholding.
Shortly we will all hear the cries to support Jill Vogel for State Senate, again, even though she voted to expand Obamacare and fund millions to Planned Parenthood. Not to mention lead the fight to pass the ERA in the State Senate.
Or if somehow Emmett Hanger (R-24) survives his primary challenge, good Republicans will be told they need to support the man who cast the deciding vote for 3 years to kill Constitutional Carry… or why, if County Supervisor Ron Meyer wins the 13th State Senate Primary, even though he voted to work to create more restrictions on the 2nd Amendment and personal property rights, good Republicans have to support him.
And right now as I type this, Governor Northam has created a special session of the legislature to push his radical anti-gun agenda. Sources inside the Capital are saying that some ‘Republican’ legislators are folding under and will sell your constitutionally protected rights down the river. And if they do, come October, some party hack is going to be telling you just why you have to overlook their voting record and still vote for them.
That crap has to stop right here, right now.
The voters need to wake up, to unshackle themselves from petty party loyalty, and instead start fighting for principle, or our Commonwealth and our Republic is lost.
Just because a politician hides behind a party label, they do not, I repeat do not, deserve your support. Only the principles they espouse can earn such.
For if you do, they will be emboldened to continue to trash the Constitution and gut your freedom, while knowing that in the next election they can pull the same old trick on you again.
To be honest, I don’t really care who is elected, whether they are a ‘nice’ person, or even what party they are a member of.
I care how they vote.
And how they vote is all that matters.
For by their vote alone, will our lives, individual liberty and personal property be either upheld or destroyed.
A very wise man once said that liberty is a road you rise to meet, and that the bonds of slavery are forged with paper chains.
My daughter just graduated High School this week. She deserves to live in a free and constitutional republic.
Not trapped in a re-run of the movie Idiocracy.
But that is exactly where we are headed as long as voters drink the kool-aid of personality politics and the Stockholm syndrome it creates.
And nothing is more dangerous, for while you can vote your way into tyranny, you have shoot your way back out of it.
Just ask the people of Venezuela.
And even as I type this, gallons of ink are being spilled by Republican hacks, explaining why Trump is right, and has the power to ‘ban’ suppressors or why Red Flag of Tyranny Gun Confiscation laws don’t really violate the Constitution, even though it clearly states no person shall be deprived of their life, liberty or property without first having due process of law.
In the end, politicians are charged with one, just one duty, to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. That is all they are supposed to do, and all they are permitted to do.
It really doesn’t matter which ‘team’ wins.
It truly doesn’t.
And until we break the destructive force of personality politics and ‘team’ sports, we will all lose.
And future generations will look back and judge us harshly, as they suffer under laws and declarations we allow, all in the name of ‘unity’.
The great Virginian Patrick Henry said this Republic was created with freedom and liberty as the only goal.
Hundreds of thousands of brave patriots died to create and preserve our Republic, so that you and I can live free.
And we simply cannot allow their ultimate sacrifice to be in vain, simply because it is easier to play sheeple to party machines or personality cliques, than to stand for what is moral, constitutional and right.
It is past time to teach the political class the lesson that we will no longer fall for the lesser of two evils, but rather demand those that seek our good votes, stop casting bad ones.
To force them to vote correctly if they want to continue to wear their little gold name tags.
It really is that simple.