Last night the Executive Committee of the State Central Committee passed the following motion, on a vote of 7-4:
I move that position of the RPV regarding the 97th House Legislative District nomination process is that the ruling of the First District Committee of May 20, 2019 is in full force and effect unless that ruling is appealed and the State Central Committee rules differently, and that all actions and statements by RPV staff, the website, and the chairman reflect this position.
However, Chris Peace sent a message to his supporters today saying the Firehouse primary is still on for tomorrow. The RPV notice of such has been removed from their website. It is not clear who will pay for, and set up, Peace’s Firehouse primary since it is not a party sanctioned process.
UPDATE: Here’s the relevant section of the Party Plan (from Art. VIII, Section E) giving the Executive Committee the authority to make this decision over the strenuous opposition of RPV Chairman Jack Wilson and his cronies:
b. The Executive Committee shall act for the State Central Committee when the latter is not in session and shall be subject to the direction of the State Central Committee.
c. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called at the pleasure of the Chairman or one third of the voting members, and shall be held not less than once every three months