Delegate Dave LaRock’s bill for Education Savings Accounts passed today in the House of Delegates. Parents may finally have some say in how and where their children are educated. Earlier today Delegate LaRock issued this press release:
Richmond, VA – The Virginia House of Delegates threw their support behind parents and students today, passing Delegate Dave LaRock’s bill to enact Education Savings Accounts by a vote of 53-46.
“Virginia’s House is serious about enacting meaningful, innovative improvements to education in our Commonwealth. This bill will benefit students, both public and private; parents, and taxpayers as we provide a better-quality education while freeing up state education dollars to be spent where they are most needed,” LaRock said of his bill. “Parents want school choice, and this may be the year they finally get it.”
Education Savings Accounts are already in use in other states, resulting in high satisfaction levels and savings to state education budgets.
“Where other states have enacted ESAs, they’ve been immensely popular and a great boon to children who are struggling academically. This is a proven step we can take to deliver better education results to our children, without breaking the Commonwealth’s budget.”
The bill has already passed the House Education and Appropriations Committees, and will now move on to the Senate.
“We’re taking this one step at a time,” LaRock added. “This bill is receiving support and acceptance among parents, teachers, education advocates and state and local school employees that is exceeding all our expectations, but there’s still opposition. We intend to stick with this until it passes and the ink is dry.”