“This is how you end up with a grandmother praying silently on a sidewalk in front of an abortion center, being carted off in handcuffs”
Humanity learned the concept of stealing the meaning of words and manipulating events with the first couple, Adam and Eve. You will recall that the great deceiver himself, clothed as a serpent, told Eve that if she ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, “you surely won’t die.”
Of course, God had already told them they surely would die if they did so.
Later, their two sons were in a field, and a jealous Cain murdered his younger brother Abel. When God asked Cain where his brother was, instead of answering, he deflected and said, “I don’t know. Am I my brother’s keeper?”
Thousands of years have passed, but these remain the go-to gadgets in the toolbox of scoundrels, despots, lawyers, politicians, big businesses, and even religious leaders: changing the sense of a word to achieve what the truth won’t allow—or shifting responsibility and accountability, appealing with an emotional response that camouflages the truth of the matter.
These tactics can be observed everywhere in our shared cultural life. They aim to shape identity by altering a word or event to make its use synonymous with some deceitful characteristic or event.
The absolute best technique is a combo-platter approach of the lie and shifting reality by changing the drama’s set pieces – to create or recreate a storyline – a narrative – or a series of fictitious events to force a specific outcome. Once the narrative is in place, it becomes difficult to undo the lies – the whole point.
These ancient practices are the high art form of the fascist-Marxist-Leninist arc in our era. All through the last one hundred-plus years, beginning with Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro – it’s a very long list – up to today’s Putin and Xi, the godless totalitarians have polished the methodology of the big lie like silverware. And, of course, the intelligence community and compliant governments in the Western world caught on to the utility of these techniques – and are using them against their own citizens.
If you study the tactics of radicals, social justice movements, and communist contingents – and increasingly self-congratulating “democratic” governments – you’ll notice that the go-to method for discrediting enemies when they “capture the narrative” is to accuse them of doing what they are guilty of themselves! Fact and fiction are inverted, and the language becomes a real weapon.
These methods’ power is such that the Democrat Party in the US – home to Jefferson Davis, the Civil War, the KKK, Bull Conner, and the folks who stood against integration and busing have managed to flip reality on its nose over the decades. Republicans, the Party of Lincoln, and the Emancipation are maligned in a non-stop narrative as racists and white supremacists.
And now conservative and populist parties in Europe and the UK are learning this lesson as their own governments go to rhetorical war with them. There are labeled as extremist right-wingers, racists, and part of the now ubiquitous Nazis!, when in fact, the ones resembling and employing those tactics are the government coalitions themselves.
Barnum and Bailey knew all about this and successfully sold hooey by the truckload for over a century.
After WWII, Western leaders decided that one of the causes of the war was too much freedom of speech. To control that freedom, socialist radicals that have, with a few exceptions, governed the “free” world have been progressively crushing political dissent by stealing the meaning of the language.
It has blossomed all across Europe and the UK in vague “hate speech” laws and regulations, strangling consistently conservative views of faith, culture, and politics while consistently neo-Marixist thought and radical action regularly go unchallenged. This is how you end up with a grandmother praying silently on a sidewalk in front of an abortion center, being carted off in handcuffs while the same police ignore genuine vandals, thugs, rapists, and radical violence.
In the US, conservatism and its promotion of ordered constitutional liberty, limited government, and individual rights are all that stand between freedom and the radical left’s dream of a one-world order in which the state becomes the golden calf. So, the “deconstruction” of the language is a full-time priority for them. Hence, there is a constant attack on constitutional principles while publicly blaming political opponents for not following the Constitution. Listen to their language: every Trump voter must be “reprogrammed.” Conservative media must be “de-platformed.” “Since conservative speech is hate speech, freedom of speech doesn’t protect it.” They’re “Nazis!” “White supremacists.”
Christianity is being turned on its head, torn apart, using these same tactics. The whole meanings of words are repurposed. God is Love. Therefore, any configuration of love is good love, right? Disagreement brings out the narrative’s labels: you are a bigot or have a “phobia” of some kind. Already, the new definition of love has outrun science itself. The specificity of XX and XY chromosomes no longer matters. It’s all about how one feels. Compassion is demanded, and taxpayers must fund it.
If the definition of love can be so easily changed, are pedophilia and bestiality next on the list of “love” that not only must be allowed but acclaimed? Or is God’s moral law, its summons written in the Ten Commandments, also endangered, along with its unambiguous demands? Based on the hatred, lies, and censorship already used by the corporate media and the government at virtually every level over same-sex marriage, transgender issues, and the precariousness of life for the unborn and older people, is it hard to imagine that these extremes of “love” and “morality” won’t be the next frontier for the radicals?
On the Serengeti Plains, lions, and other top-tier predators coordinate attacks on their prey and cut their targets out of the herd to ensure an easier kill. The same strategy is used in the human family. Americans and our cousins across the pond in Europe, New Zealand, and Australia have turned over the serious business of freedom and civilization to top-tier predators, and they have picked off their targets one by one.
However, after the deafening narrative of lies for seventy years declaring that the world needed neither faith nor human freedom but technocrats and experts who would and could build a human utopia, some signs of a counter-revolution seem to be turning the tide of sanity back to shore.
Starting with what seemed small steps in the 1980s with Ronald Reagan in the US and Margaret Thatcher in the UK, among many others, new generations of conservatives were shown that faith, family, and country, combined with a bit of grit and elbow grease, are never passe—they remain essential and popular. This new brand of conservatives – albeit with starts and stops – has also exposed the techniques that force-fed the neo-Marxist worldview into the institutions and machinery of the Western world.
Their rapidly growing ranks now include some of the most unlikely people in the US and Europe. They are terrifying the existing political and cultural establishment, which only testifies to their public appeal.
After COVID, whole new generations realize that the truth matters – and that their own governments and medical institutions were lying, dissembling, and working against the public good, motivated primarily by greed and power – their hubris exposed by their own emails and internal documentation of their collusion and larceny.
And, now, in the aftermath of the debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal, the meat-grinder in Ukraine, and the fumbling mess created in Syria, the truth is glaringly obvious that the existing world order is promoting and funding adventures for reasons other than security.
And this week, 80,000 pages of new documents on the JFK murder were released – after the government lied to Attorney Pam Bondi a week earlier that all the documents had been released to her. In the new documents, the nature of lies and misdirection of the massive administrative state is unmistakable.
In the US, the Trump victory rode the back of these events and the “new media” that allowed the Trump Campaign to talk directly to young people, especially both black and Hispanic minorities who provided part of his stunning victory margin.
Joe Rogan’s three-hour interview with the former president, unfiltered by the legacy media, had 38 million views in the first three days. Instead of the caricature the corporate-government media had painted since 2016, a colossal audience found an engaging and informed voice that talked about the issues affecting them, and that spanned the current culture.
One thing seems certain in this turbulent era: average citizens are tired of being background noise in their own countries as they watch institution after institution give way to a radicalism that seeks to destroy the civilization that has given so much to the world.