“ And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the
beast, or the number of his name.” Revelations 13.17, King James Bible
A few weeks ago, I wrote an article entitled “The 15-Minute City Scheme” It had
been assembled from scraps of information from various news sites. Little did I
know just how accurate it was.
The Chief Executive Officer of Worldcoin says that Global Digital Currency will be
tied to Global Digital ID in the relatively near future – and there will be no opt-out
provision. Essentially, everyone will be given a single global digital ID to carry and
use for all forms of transaction. Global digital money will eventually eliminate the
need for cash. (Everyone will be forced to accept global enslavement under the
presumption that such enslavement will be a benign way of moving humanity
forward. There will be no need for individual freedom and certainly for the
individual freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights.)
Worldcoin’s CEO has stated that it has “the world’s largest identity and financial
public network.” They have linked Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) with a
digital identity system. Enter the digital world of the Worldcoin token and the
World ID. World ID uses Iris biometrics to identify individuals and accordingly
scans for their transactions. (Significantly, when this horror is fully in place it will
be used to create and enforce government edicts in the 15-Minute cities.)
The World App “enables payment, purchases, and transfers globally using digital
assets and traditional currencies.” Thus, “no man might buy or sell, save he that
had the mark”. Although this nightmare was predicted a couple of thousand
years ago, people in Spain and Portugal have signed up. (some 150,00 last year in
Spain and 120,000 in Portugal.)
Supposedly, WORLDCOIN is “a decentralized open source protocol”. “It is
intended to become a public network with ownership by everyone.” History is
replete with such idiocy.
To quote Rudyard Kipling’s poem The Gods of the Copy Book Heading:
“As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man There are only four things
certain since Social Progress began. That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the
Sow returns to her Mire, And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling
back to the Fire; And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins When all
men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins, As surely as Water
will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn, The Gods of the Copybook Headings with
terror and slaughter return!”
The Beast is Here. Whether you like it or not.
(Photo above: Worldcoin orb (source: worldcoin.org)
Another reason to avoid Florida: Leprosy.
Leprosy, the infectious disease most commonly known for its biblical associations, has become more common in Florida, researchers warn.
In 2020, the Sunshine State was among the states with the highest number of leprosy cases, contributing to evidence that the infection is becoming endemic in the southeastern region of the country, according to a journal published in an August edition from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Leprosy, scientifically referred to as Hansen’s disease, damages the skin and peripheral nervous system.
Although leprosy has been historically uncommon in the U.S. since the early 1980s, the report states that cases have more than doubled in the region over the past decade.
Central Florida seems to be the focus of the rise in cases, with researchers pointing out that 81% of leprosy cases in Florida between 2002 and 2021 came from the area. Nationally, Central Florida accounted for almost one-fifth of cases.
Over the past 20 years, the Florida Department of Health has reported 263 cases, and 70 of them came from within the state.
There is a vaccine against leprosy — BCG — “Dr.” Warren will tell you not to take it.
Treatment with antibiotics is about 98% effective. Vaxxing for everything is proving to be a bit of Russian roulette.
A vaccine will soon be available for RSV and the CDC is recommending that older people get the vaccine.
Of course, “Dr.” Warren will tell us the RSV vaccine will cause sudden death, brain damage, heart damage, and flat feet.
Just a heads-up so you Republicons can get ready to lie to us about this vaccine.
If anyone was lying shit for brains liberal about vaccines it was you and your bullshit CDC… Safe and Effective and will prevent you from getting or transmitting Covid… Stops Covids in its tracks says that little shithead Fauci.. AND people like you, a moron, demanded that the VAX be mandatory for jobs, travel etc… And the Vax didn’t stop anything dumbass. People still died, got covid etc.
So CDC ruined its own credibility asshole,,, And lied its ass off.. cherry picking the stats it wanted and ignoring those that didn’t it the narrative and using faulty statistical analysis… ANd and and.. Then you got cases of myocarditis especially in young men.
Then you have the lies about the origin..
So stick your political , corrupt and venal CDC up your ass.
One more thing dipshit… IF that VAX of which you speak is based on that useless mRNA technology… you go ahead and get it… Add another stupid vax to your system that no one knows the long term outcome of… oh and RSV is a retro virus which like covid makes it one that mutates. So your stupid Covid vaccination doesn’t work more than three months at best.
Go ahead Vax yourself up asshole….
It is prudent to question any medical procedure, and that is what a vaccination is. If you want to take it right away -great. You will be the beta test for the rest of us.
It isn’t going to work without getting a booster every three months and even then. RSV is a retro virus just like Covid and HIV. It resists vaccination. Recombinant methods of vaccinations work for things that do no mutate as readily, like polio. That is the tried and true vaccination creation method… This thing that this idiot is advocating, like the Covid vaccination is useless…
It is good for injuring and killing so it isn’t useless to these WEF useful idiots.
Epoch Times has excellent article on modRNA in vaxxes vs mRNA. ModRNA is artificial while mRNA is natural. Some very interesting data.
Information Technology is the overseer of the 21st century plantation.
And they want everyone on the plantation to do their bidding.
“The past is rewritten so fast that you don’t know what will happen yesterday”..This is the Bidenite mantra for their cultural Marxist agenda.
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is duly noted.
” Worldcoin orb ” Isn’t this the same orb that Trump was photographed massaging along with the Saudi leadership when he visited Saudi Arabia? Maybe this explains where Trump sent the classified documents he stole. And this also explains why the Saudis gave Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner $2 BILLION a few days after Trump left the White House.