I watched all 15 minutes of the Biden speech. Here is my assessment:
The Good: Biden looked rested and tanned. He delivered a written speech with minimal mistakes and mumbles.
The Bad: Biden’s speech was mostly platitudes and artful lies. There really wasn’t much detail, and when there were details they weren’t realistic in the time left available in his tenure.
The Ugly: He took no responsibility for the division, destruction and anti-Americanism that has plagued the nation during his 3 plus years. While he mentioned democracy a half dozen times, he never said anything about the Democratic Party’s authoritarian process that caused him to step aside.
The Political: He couldn’t help taking a shot at the Supreme Court.
Oddities: He said nothing about his health. This was a glaring hole left dangling.
Replacement: He mentioned Kamala Harris once and it wasn’t exactly resounding praise or enthusiasm for her candidacy.
Notably, while this speech was going on, the pro-Palestine wing was in the process of protesting and rioting.
Talk about an insipid, juvenile, and empty commentary.
How does an optometrist whose sole job is to sell cheap eyeglasses at a huge markup get off calling himself “Doctor”?
If you are upset, Warrenmust be on target.
Meanwhile: Kamala the Communist has been running wild. The opening ceremony at the French Olympics was a drag show. The French rail system joined the Olympic competition with railroad bombings- who won the gold is still a mystery.
Perhaps it was a humongous – place your favorite expletive here – to Obama and his minions? Mucho bad blood there. (At first I did a double-take, who is this guy? Just saying.)