Today, Del. Scott Lingamfelter is crowing about passage of HJ3, his bill for a call of a constitutional convention, through the House of Delegates, despite the heroic opposition of certain conservatives like Del. Bob Marshall. It also passed last year. Now the action moves to the Senate of Virginia, where it was stopped last year. Just like last year, Sen. Dick Black will lead the fight against this bill. As I have explained several times before, an Article V convention is unwise. SCOTUS case law indicates that limits on the scope of the convention will not hold, nor will potential punishments of delegates to such a convention for exceeding such a prescribed scope.
Please call and email your Senators to reject HJ3 after crossover. It is absolutely shameful that we have to rely on Democratic votes to stop such a thing. Both Speaker Howell and Del. Lingamfelter voted in 2004 to rescind Virginia’s previous call for a constitutional convention… and wisely so. Why turn back?