To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them. — George Mason
During the Revolutionary War, the most important weapon was the flintlock musket. It was the most advanced technological weapon of the 18th century. The standard rate of shooting was three shots per minute.
Why do I mention this? Because the leftists and woke bureaucrats want to teach revisionist history that the Founding Fathers did not want citizens to have access to “weapons of war.” When the Second Amendment was written by the Founding Fathers, everyday citizens had access to the flintlock musket — which was a “weapon of war.” They know this, the founders knew this when they wrote the Second Amendment, and anything to the contrary is a misrepresentation of the truth.
The founders wanted to preserve the Second Amendment to ensure the citizens had recourse against a tyrannical government, like they did, not to preserve the “right to hunt” like revisionist leftists want us to believe.
Friends, I want you to be aware that Joe Biden and his Democratic friends like Louise Lucas and her Woke Caucus are trying to find new ways to take guns away from law-abiding Virginians. They’re working around the clock to make it harder to buy firearms and ammunition. That is why I will fight the gun grabbers whether they are liberals, RINO’s, or woke companies, making it harder to buy firearms and ammunition and imposing new, unconstitutional regulations on Virginian citizens.
There is a reason they want to disarm the citizens of this country. Joe Biden, the Democrats in Washington and in Richmond are creating an energy crisis, supply chain shortage, and support the defunding of the police. All of these are clear choices. They aren’t dumb. It’s the continued managed decline of our country. I believe that the Second Amendment is a defense against the government. There is a reason they want to take your guns from you.
That’s why I will fight the gun grabbers, whether they’re federal or state bureaucrats enacting new regulations or woke companies punishing people for exercising their rights. I truly believe a day is coming when woke companies will take their agenda too far and infringe on our Second Amendment rights. If the day ever comes when a payment processor attempts to restrict you or your family from buying firearms or ammunition, I’ll push back with legislation to prohibit that in Virginia.
I support Constitutional Carry. When the Republicans have a majority in the state Senate, I will be the 21st vote to repeal the red flag laws passed by the gun grabbers. I am a proud member of the NRA, VCDL, and NAGR.
John Massoud is the chairman of the 6th Congressional District Republican Party, a former member of the Strasburg Town Council, and a pro-gun Republican candidate for state Senate District 1, which encompasses Clarke, Frederick, Shenandoah, Warren and Winchester City.