The “100 Years War” took place between 1337 and 1453. It involved a series of battles between France and England over who should control the French throne. Eventually, this war amongst the nobility spread throughout Western Europe. This was geopolitical warfare.
The situation in France today seems strangely similar. The difference is that the violence in many French cities involves cultural and religious differences not specific elitist political ones. (Some would say that this is more like the French Revolution. However, what seems to be occurring is external conquest, not internal civil war.)
France, among many Western European nations, has embraced immigration regardless of how it occurs. The avowed purpose was and still is to add population to a stagnant low birth rate society,- although many native French have come to the conclusion that population replacement is really the goal of their government. (Significantly, assimilation of immigrants is not occurring and animosity is growing.)
To quell the current violence, the French government has rolled out upwards of 50,000 police and paramilitary forces. French citizens, many armed with bats and axe handles, are fighting immigrants and elements of the radical left like ANTIFA and the Black Bloc.
Unlike the riots in the United States in 2020, the American news media has largely ignored the attacks on France from North African and Muslim invaders. (The supposedly self-policing no-go zones of France have now exploded out into almost all French towns and cities.)
As the numbers of immigrants and their second and third generation children grow, the native French, with a recent history of solving problems through business negotiation rather than conquest, are now faced with the ugly prospect of fighting conquest. (Notably, the lessons of conquest involve not just territory. Women and children are trophies- and rape is on the rise throughout Western Europe. Opposing men and national governments are disposable.)
In 2018, France’s Yellow Vest riots were over taxes and the cost of living. Today’s revolutionary riots were sparked by the shooting of one Islamic teenager. (This riotous situation is obviously not about taxes, but something more sinister and more long lasting.)
The question now being asked -is all of this a prelude to civil war in France or even throughout all of Western Europe? Whatever the answer, this is not going to be short but it will be bloody. Thus, another hundred year or even thousand year war?
The global socialists who created this emerging disaster should be quite concerned for their own safety. War is inherently uncontrollable by legal means and nobody can be guaranteed to be the winner.
And, in France, the guillotine can always be taken out of the museum and put to use.
More like today’s Crusades than the 100 Years War.
Every progressive socialist leader is responsible for creating and promoting the conditions that have led to riot. They call the J6 insurrection when the truth is the opposite. Beware the Democrats in America.