Over the past few years, I have written about COVID and its vaccines. COVID has now been recognized as a biological weapon apparently released accidentally from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. This COVID biological weapon is man-made and uses genetic manipulation to achieve a particular and still unknown human and mammalian response.
The COVID vaccines were ostensibly designed to counteract the impact of COVID, but they have proved less than “safe and effective”. Far too many people have been injured or died from heart, brain, organ and blood issues. The injuries and deaths continue and there is no specific cure in sight to stop the suffering. What has concerned me for some time is why are the mRNA vaccines so damaging?
Recently I read an article in the Epoch Times written by Klaus Steger, a PHD in molecular biologist with a research focus in the genetic and epigenetic regulation of gene expression. He makes a profound point – we aren’t dealing with natural mRNA but artificial modified RNA whose properties differ quite extensively. For example, natural mRNA targets a specific cell while modRNA does not. In addition, the lifetime of the natural mRNA is nominally minutes or hours. The modRNA is months, years and possibly lifetime. Finally, there are numerous ways to affect and stop natural mRNA behaviors. The modMRA appears immune to these and other mechanisms of action.
If Dr Steger is correct, then this explains why the COVID vaxxes are neither safe or effective. They are doing damage beyond the cellular level and directly to the genetic structure of the individual. “The gene regulatory program of healthy people has been manipulated on a massive scale. — Modified RNA (modRNA) is not mRNA. It poses substantial risks to human health. These risks come not only from COVID-19 injections and boosters but will also impact all future RNA-based vaccines.”
The new director of the CDC, Mandy K. Cohen, has stated that she is aware of the organization’s trust problem and has indicated that trust will be her focus. However, she is still implying that a vaccine role out for COVID, RSV and Flu will/may occur in the fall or early winter of 2023. Will that roll out be with modRNA?
Director Cohen faces considerable political skepticism. Two presidential candidates, Ron DeSantis and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, have questioned the entire COVID vaccine situation. Director Cohen has stated that,” The best way to ease doubts is with clear and stable communication.” Frankly, I disagree.
The best way isn’t more words, but more facts and provable actions. I have seen too many injuries and deaths associated with this modRNA vaccine to accept the soothing words of politicians and the medical profession.
Fauci’s replacement is a female with the exact same ideas. Just another Biden disaster in the making.
“Recently I read an article in the Epoch Times . . . ”
If the Epoch Times is your go-to reading . . . . well, that explains why you are not an MD but you play one here.
Is that a picture of your wife by your name?
Notice the shoot the messenger not the message. He is frightened of any truth – and, in this case, he should be if he is one of those multiple vaxxed and boosted leftists. The injuries and deaths can come slowly or quickly from the horror of COVID and its supposed vaxxes.
I am sure the Media Matters Dimocrats will be here soon… they follow Warren like mosquitoes.. Ok fellas.. the Fudging vaccine was so effective that the little schmuck Fauci… caught covid… and took Paxlovid… Doesn’t the vaccine itself prevent negative outcomes, you crap for brains echo chamber boys? So even Doctor Covid himself… the man who saw to it that Wuhan was funded to create the fuking virus and then mismanaged everything about the virus once here in the US… was so sure of his own bullshit VAX that he had to take an anti viral…
So fellas stick your own ass with your own useless and potentially dangerous experimental drug..
In the world of COVID, everything is synthetic and nothing is safe an effective.
Apparently a lot of naysayers use the Guardian as their source of information. How about you see what the Guardian says as they are starting to realize how much theyy have been scammed.