Medicine has done a great deal to improve the lives and health of the American citizenry and much of the world as well. Thus, before I start on the unintended consequences, I want to acknowledge that medicine has improved the lives of billions of people over the last century. Penicillin alone has likely saved billions and then there are the numerous vaccines for things like polio. The field of medicine has created miracles. However, far too many people have substituted a pill for prayerful reflection, and that is where the problem lies.
STEROIDS: My first exposure to unintended consequences occurred during a discussion about steroids. I was working for the Department of the Navy, and we had a “The Presidential Management Intern” program. One of the interns was a bright young guy who was a near Olympic swimmer. During a conversation, he commented that he had quit competitive swimming. It turns out that competitive swimmers were using steroids to improve their times but he discovered that his use of steroids led to anger and rage. He had lost control in competitive situations and at times of frustration.
ADHD/ADD DRUGS: My saddest experience with unintended consequences occurred when the nephew of a friend reacted homicidally to ADHD/ADD drugs. The young teenage boy shot and killed his parents with a rifle, booby trapped his house, and then went to his school where he murdered and injured classmates. Apparently, a small percentage of individuals react homicidally or suicidally to drugs that are supposed to calm and improve focus.
COVID 19 VACCINES: I have had a personal experience with the unintended consequences of medicines. In April 2021, my wife and I got the Pfizer COVID 19 vaccine. Within 24 hours she couldn’t breathe. Benedryl to combat the allergic reaction was quickly administered, and it quelled a problem that could have resulted in a trip to the Emergency Room. I ended up with an inexplicable blood flow problem. As a result of these side effects, we took no more shots. In January 2022, we both got COVID 19 and used Ivermectin successfully to combat the illness. At this time, I personally know of individuals who have had or still suffer from myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, severe headaches, unexplained and persistent pain in the arm near and blow the shot, and persistent vaccine related psoriasis.
RAGE INDUCING HOMONES: Very recently, an American Christian school was attacked by a transgender. Three children were killed along with three school employees. Recent studies indicate that females transitioning to males are prone to rage. One theory is that loading the female body with massive amounts of male hormones (testosterone?) and transition supporting drugs are the cause. If the purpose is to make a young man out of a young woman, then something is wrong with the formula.
I have become very cautious when it comes to the next pill, next vaccine, next infusion, and next miracle of medicine. I take the time to understand the medical purpose involved and the nuances and side effects. I recommend reflection and prayer – and then the miracle of medicine can fully unfold.