On an almost daily basis, President Trump’s supporters are being abused in public places by the Left. Some are being abused simply for wearing a MAGA hat, some for being a member of the Trump staff, some for being a Republican, and some for saying something positive about the current American situation. The Right’s response to most of these harassing actions has been passive and defensive. But there is always another way, and it is a way within the law. (I will focus on restaurant situations here, but the ideas presented may be appropriate elsewhere.)
To me, the iPhone is an important tool in situations of political abuse. Have it readily available and use it. Be straightforward and civil but let the harasser(s) know that you will not just meekly comply with abuse. Situational recording is important particularly if violations of criminal law are occurring. Continue to be polite in these situations. Do indicate you will comply with a reasonable request and will do so with minimal delay after you have finished recording. By the way, having the iPhone in your hand also allows you to dial 911 if you feel threatened or are physically confronted. (Personally, I would call the police regardless because harassment is a criminal act in Virginia.)
In a Red Hen or Don Vito restaurant situation, things could get very interesting. Both restaurants essentially admit to hiring transients, some of which are likely illegal aliens. An iPhone in your hand will make the management, employees and even some customers nervous, so speak and act quietly to keep the situation calm. You aren’t trying to escalate ongoing events to a full confrontation.
Most restaurants are busy, so you are taking up the management’s time by recording things. Maybe you can cost the restaurant a few customers or even goad the management into providing free meals or drinks to these other customers. In any event, you will have made the situation politely uncomfortable, somewhat costly, – and that is the plan.
There is always the possibility that the restaurant management may back down as they are generally not prepared for resistance. Of course, management may continue to insist. I would leave regardless, but I will have made my point. Harassment comes at a cost. And “Resistance” works both ways.
I don’t encourage anyone to do any of this thoughtlessly as the situation can be quite uncomfortable. There are risks of a physical confrontation and someone can get hurt. Judging the situation before you “resist” is always a good idea.
From Timothy D. Snyder, “Courage does not mean not fearing —. It does mean recognizing and resisting terror — right away, from the moment of the attack, precisely when it seems most difficult to do”. Realistically, those who harass and abuse are terrorizing others for their selfish political purposes. Those who are being terrorized have a right to respond and resist.