President Donald Trump gave one of the greatest presidential speeches in modern times. The speech was not only powerful but there was no waste, no throw-away lines, even though it was the longest State of the Union speech. Here are a couple of thoughts about this overwhelmingly impactful speech.
From the beginning, he condemned the democrats for their behavior. His comment that there was nothing he could say or do to garner any applause basically implied he would not consider them for any bi-partisanship or help. Their intransigence continued throughout the speech and, as one former democrat Congressman said, they embarrassed themselves.
The most poignant part of the presidential speech was when a little boy suffering from brain cancer was made an honorary Secret Service officer. He jumped into the arms of the Director of the Secret Service and they hugged each other. Humanity at its best.
The Democrats sat on their hands showing a lack of compassion and decency that is really hard to fathom. (Trump Derangement Symptom was clearly in evidence.)
Trumps proposals for tax relief for Americans were extensive. No taxes on tips. No taxes on overtime. No taxes on Social Security, which, by the way, is already a tax in itself. There was relief for businesses not only in the taxes paid but from the horrific burden of excess regulations. All of this relief was to be retroactive to the beginning of the year.
The democrats sat on their hands showing absolutely no interest in the financial health of the American family..
Trump noted that for too long opposing tariffs had undermined America’s competitiveness around the world. (Many countries use tariffs to freeze American businesses out of their markets, but this had begun to damage the economy of the United States.) Of necessity, America had to return to a policy of tariff reciprocity and, significantly, to encourage businesses to locate in America. Notably, trillions of dollars-worth of business is returning to the USA with obvious employment implications.
The Democrats sat of their hands showing distain for American financial stability, and this in the face of a nearly $40 Trillion debt.
The world’s flashpoints were also on the docket with Trump continuing his advocacy for world peace. Mentioned were the Panama Canal built by the American citizenry, Greenland as a strategic lynch pin for America, the Israeli situation, and the cessation of hostility in Ukraine. This latter mention produced a humorous segment when Senator Elizabeth Warren, aka Pocahontas, was trolled over her support of the war.
The democrats sat on their hands favoring anything that damaged America’s desire for peace. This was truly astounding if you think about it.
I could go on and on about proposal after proposal. Frankly, there were far too many of them to cover in this article. From renaming Mt McKinley to going to Mars. From returning the nation to the rule of law rather than the rule of lawfare. From issues of health, namely the autism situation, to the improvement of America’s food supply. From drill baby drill to return to work. If you didn’t pay attention for even a second, you missed something of significance – or you missed something humorous.
The Democrats sat on their hands through every proposal regardless of how common sense or beneficial to Americans.
To finish I quote Lee Greenwood:
“And I’m proud to be an American
Where at least I know I’m free
And I won’t forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I’d gladly stand up
Next to you and defend her still today
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA”
Democrats now have a new “Fight” video that effectively encourages violence against the GOP. They think it’s cute. Utterly stupid people.
Actually, I think that they sat on their thumbs.