While we do have two US Senators, that’s not the same as having representation. My point is that Senators Kaine and Warner vote for the values of the Democrat National Committee that are more consistent with voters from San Francisco and Chicago than those in the Commonwealth.
There are 133 Counties (or cities that count as counties in the voting process) in Virginia. That is 133 voting jurisdictions. Of those, President Trump won 93, leaving 40 for Clinton. Those 40 counties tended to be clustered around the metropolitan areas.
President Trump is immensely popular in Virginia, yet the will of the people rarely translates to action on our behalf on the Senate floor. Virginians are benefitting immensely every payday from lower taxes, yet both of our senators voted against them, to deny Virginians lower taxes.
Dozens of judges, all rated exceptional by their peers, have been nominated and approved by the US Senate, but without the support of Virginias senators. Our so-called representatives even voted against raising Judge Neal Gorsuch, a constitutional scholar bar-none, to the Supreme Court. Who would vote against having the very best on the highest court?
In fact, our duly elected representatives have voted NAY 19 times out of 32 votes this year and of the YEA votes cast, they were mostly housekeeping measures. Senator Warner has sent a half dozen “Letters” to the president and other cabinet officials demanding action that was not in the best interest of Virginia or the United States as a whole.
We can’t even get a YEA vote on basic public safety issues, like the Toomey – Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act. Both of our Senators believe Virginia wants the federal government to give grants to cities that harbor criminal aliens from federal authorities.
It is no surprise the Democrats war on women is being egged on by Senators Warner and Kaine as they voted against the nomination of Gina Haskel to head the CIA. Again, they voted against elevating the best and brightest to the presidential cabinet.
In fact, both of these so-called public servants appear to have a bias against women as both of them have voted against every woman nominated by President Trump. Every single one. I might point out that most women nominated by President Obama were confirmed with Republican votes, you can draw your own conclusion from that.
Would you be surprised to know that Warner and Kaine believe that Virginians were against the Nomination of former Senator Sam Brownback to be Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom?
One of the basic departures from common sense that these so-called public servants demonstrate is their position that government spending should be the preferred method to stimulate the economy, rather than releasing the private sector to do what it does best.
Both Senators have voted against every single economic initiative that has resulted in record employment in Virginia and record low unemployment in every demographic group.
In fact, there is only one conclusion to draw from the voting record of Virginias Democrat Senators, they are doing a great job of representing The Village, San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. They are doing an abysmal job of representing Virginia.
Virginia values. That is the entire issue in the fall. Whether Virginians will finally be represented by a Senator who reflects our values. Limited Government, Personal Liberty. National Security. National Pride. LEGAL Immigration.
It’s time to retire these career politicians and elect true representation, starting with Tim Kaine. His opponent, Corey Stewart is a true Virginian and will vote in the Senate as a Virginian. Not a Trump sycophant, or a party shill. That’s all the people want, someone to look out for them across the Potomac in DC.