Once again we’re being played by the Clintons. We get our hopes up that this time, finally, this time the Clintons will go down. This time Hillary will be indicted. Remember when we all thought Bill’s affair with Monica would be his demise in politics? Didn’t happen. He was more popular than ever after that summer and even more popular after his impeachment! His approval ratings were 65%! Then Republicans grew despondent. We couldn’t believe it. After all of that, Clinton’s affair in the Oval Office, lying under oath, and Impeachment, the Clintons prevailed and Republicans were left with nothing but bad feelings. We couldn’t believe the Clintons got away with it. But why wouldn’t they? The Clintons always, always, prevail and get away with everything.
The same thing is happening now. Hillary will not be indicted. We will get our hopes up and just before our convention we will have the rug jerked out from under us. (Republicans are like Lucy and the football.) Hillary will get some minor slap on the wrist, she will say she’s really, really, sorry, and promise to never do it again.
Like Bill, Hillary will become the victim of a vast, right wing, conspiracy that tried to bring her down and she kept her chin up and prevailed through it all! Is she just grand? Don’t you admire her courage and determination? That’s how it will be spun and it will work. Her poll numbers will go up. We will go into our convention despondent, dejected, and certain Hillary will also prevail in November because the Clintons always do. They are bullet proof, nothing can touch them. Scandal after scandal and they sail through every storm, coming out in even better shape than before. Nothing can stop the Clinton machine.
Rush Limbaugh explains it much better than I. But we can’t fall for it. It’s a set up by the Clintons but we cannot react again with despondency and defeatism. Just because the Clintons have skated once again does not mean they will prevail in November. Let’s make Hillary’s lack of an indictment the LAST time the Clintons win.