A principal in Loudoun county sent the following instructions to teachers in his school telling them what to say on 9/11. Are the messages being sent countywide? My source believes the messages came down from the Superintendent. Does it go even higher up? Are these messages being used statewide? A FOIA request will soon tell us. In the meantime, this is how teachers were instructed to deal with 9/11.

So, children in Loudoun county are being taught to believe 9/11 is a nice, holiday called Patriot Day. They are not to be told that TERRORISTS blew up buildings killing 3,000 people, and injuring another 6,000, on that day in 2001. Rather, the day ‘impacted’ people in our country. It is not to be called a tragedy.
9/11 was a significant event in our country’s history but children in Loudoun County Public Schools will not learn about it and will believe it to be something other than the tragedy that it was. One wonders what teachers are instructed to say about the bombing of Pearl Harbor? Or any other national tragedy? Just another day that ‘impacted” people?
This is wrong, very wrong. Another sad example of our schools teaching revisionist, liberal, history.