I just finished up watching the movie, “What is a Woman?”, by Matt Walsh. (It is now available on Twitter after some interesting shenanigans and Twitter personnel resignations/firings.)
My take is that there is a lot of confusion when the question, “What is a woman?”, is asked. It is noteworthy that Matt asked the question on the streets of New York, in prestigious academic institutions, with all kinds of medical folk, and even an African tribe. (I came to the conclusion that his question was far too complicated. Maybe it is better to ask “What is a man?”.)
My first thought was to consult some of the guys in a bar in the Midwest. After all, they had taken a sworn oath never to drink a Bud Light again because of Anheuser-Busch’s use of a male transgender model to celebrate women. (Not unexpectedly, I got a straight answer which I am keeping secret in case I want to do a “What is a XXXXXX?” series.).
I thought about calling Disney, Target, the LA Dodgers, Kohl’s, and a raft of other corporations. I set that idea aside – quickly realizing that big corporations had hired people at the highest levels who couldn’t deal with really simple concepts. Their executive and managers had spent far too much time in academe and in big cities run by Democrats. When asked the question “What is a Woman?”, their academic, big city liberal indoctrination would have led to defining a woman by using the word woman in the definition. (Thus, I would have been treated to over intellectualized circular logic that was insulting, demeaning and meaningless.)
After some thought, I went back to one section of the “What is a Woman?” movie that involved an African tribe. Both the male and female members of the tribe thought that Americans were nuts for even asking the question and one man, apparently a tribal chief, said he would never visit America if things were this confused. (I concluded that he is a smart man who understands a few million years of human history and biology.)
At the end of the movie, Matt asked his wife (assuming there is such a thing) to define what a woman is. She answered something to the effect that a “woman is an adult human female who needs this jar of pickles opened”. (Notice the use of a processed cucumber as part of the definition. Now I am confused – What the heck do pickles have to do with this?)
We need clarification and some further investigation into man as man. After all, man is a key part of the definitional puzzle.
Note: One politician when asked the what is a woman question was so stumped that he hemmed and hawed and then abruptly ended the interview. I guess I am not surprised as we have a Supreme Court Justice who doesn’t know what a woman is.
Democrats pick on the weaker elements of the human species.
In today’s American society it’s not what is a man but what Democrats define as a woman.