Perhaps you’d like to contact Governor Northam and encourage him to show restraint while confronting the coronavirus scourge in the Commonwealth.
Some Governors are shuttering most businesses around their states and mandating home quarantines. Gov. Northam has not yet taken such draconian measures. He continues to emphasize social distancing and proper sanitizing guidelines. Restaurants remain open if they offer carry-out, curbside or delivery services. And Virginians are not quarantined to their places of residence.
As numbers grow for people infected with COVID-19, remember that the growth was expected because now we have more testing available. We still do not know if, in fact, the virus is spreading quickly.
Until we have a better understanding of the COVID-19 trajectory, we should encourage the Governor to maintain caution with regard to shuttering even more businesses and throwing more Virginians into the unemployment lines.
If you agree, please call the Governor: 804.786.2211
Or email him via this link: