When I was growing up, teachers would explain the political system with the symbol of the American Eagle having two wings, a right wing and a left wing. While each wing had its own ideas, America was one Eagle embracing the American Constitution and Rule of Law. I find myself having to ask a very uncomfortable question – Does that symbol still apply?
My initial assumption was that Democrats and Republicans both loved and honored America. Yes, there were arguments about what was best for the country but the words “loyal opposition” always applied to the Party that was out of power. I never really doubted that one party could be disloyal or truly anti-American. Recent ugly and evil events have caused me to reconsider.
Was the Democratic Party ever loyal to America or has it been subverted? These are two distinct possibilities. I believe the Democratic Party was once loyal to America both before the Civil War and then for long periods well after the Civil War. Yes, post slavery and decades of animosities did create dissention but with the passage of time, the American spirit began to repair itself – or so I thought.
The other more jarring alternative is that the Democratic Party has been slowly and systematically infiltrated by those who wish harm to America. Arguably, this subversion began during the FDR administration and simmered along until the first Bush administration created the new world order philosophy. This opened the door for globalist authoritarian ideas to infiltrate America.
The push to globalize America became the foundation for the new Democratic Party. Clinton, Obama and Biden undercut America while claiming to be righteous and just. What resulted was nothing of the sort. The American citizenry were relegated to the bottom of the geopolitical pile. (“Taxed enough already” became the simple words to protest the authoritarian oppression of these Democrat presidents.)
Then along came Donald Trump. A pro freedom and pro America individual who, unlike so many Republican leaders, fought the globalist oppression of the now corrupted Democratic Party. This, of course, could not be allowed so Trump suffered indignity after indignity, yet still kept fighting.
Here we are now less than a month into Trump’s second presidency. He is joined by Elon Musk and his merry band of computer nerds. (The waste and fraud is in the trillions of dollars and is easily exposed because nobody in the Congress or Executive were worried about exposure. While the Democrats are by far the worst abusers of American citizenry trust, the Republicans all to conveniently kept quiet and enjoyed the grift.)
My conclusion is that the original democratic party died over half a century ago, but its structure was useful and, therefore, maintained by those who wished to injure America. The careful building of the new globalist Democratic party continued uncheck until Trump. (The amount of damage has been tremendous – I note the nearly $40 Trillion of pilfered debt.)
One final thought. The new globalist Democrats became so arrogant the they didn’t even bother to hide the grift, and that is why Elon Musk has been so successful in exposing evil everywhere throughout the federal government. (It should not surprise anyone that these Democrats are doing everything to slow and stop the exposure of their fraud and abuse. Additional trillions are at stake and prison awaits for the most obvious offenders.)
Another explanation is that the old American Communist Party recognized the importance or slow steady infiltration and took advantage of it. That explains the ability of Barack, the traitor’s, rise to power. Think about it. He himself said that his mentor was Frank Marshall Davis an ardent anti-American communist. Davis groomed the boy and likely turned him into a homosexual. Fortunately the American people woke up and have solidly defeated the traitors, hopefully once and for all!
I think a combination of both. To infiltrate you have to have a fifth column, anarchists, communists and socialists, available and willing to aid the globalists in undermining America. If you look at Western Europe, you have these political parties undermining national integrity of the EU using Islam and tribalism.
Spot on Sir !