At a recent forum for Democrat candidates in Virginia’s 10th District, State Senator Jennifer Wexton attacked the recent tax cuts saying she would vote to repeal the tax cuts if she were in Congress. Given that the tax cuts are providing the average Loudoun family a sizable tax break, let’s hope she never gets that opportunity.
According to a review done by the bipartisan Ferguson Group for the County Administrator a Loudoun family of four earning $150,000 and residing in a house worth $535,000 would save $1,798. That is real money back into the pockets of many Loudouners that I know and will help these young families pay their monthly bills, help with childcare, or even be put into a savings account for the family’s next big purchase.
Deep Sran, another Democrat candidate at the forum said that the tax bill represented “everything that is wrong” in one piece of legislation. All of the Democrats fell in line with Nancy Pelosi’s attacks on the tax bill that she called “Armageddon.” Dan Helmer made clear he opposed the tax cuts. Alison Friedman, called tax cuts a “horrible product” and Lindsey Stover Davis lectured the crowd saying, “Let us never forget that Barbara Comstock voted for this tax bill not once but twice.”
Well let me thank Congresswoman Barbara Comstock not once, but twice, for voting for tax cuts for our families and businesses.
Also published as a LTE at the Loudoun Times-Mirror