So, to some degree I have always thought there should be room enough on the pro-gun side of the 2nd Amendment to allow for multiple organizations. I have had the pleasure of working with and supporting the NRA, NAGR, GOA, and VCDL all at varying times- and they all have something worthwhile to bring to the table.
That said, I have never understood nor agreed with the policy of the NRA to always endorse the incumbent as long as they are ‘good enough’, even when the opposition scores an AQ rating. I just don’t get that.
And, I have also thought that NAGR, GOA, and VCDL have always had worthwhile things to add to the conversation from a policy and advocacy standpoint.
But this situation is one I truly don’t get.
Apparently, the NRA is hiding Susan Stimpson’s rating on their website.
Oh yes, she completed the survey; and oh yes, they received it. A NAGR member called up the NRA to confirm this (audio HERE).
Why hide it?
What good can this possibly do? If Susan is the nominee, you’ve just needlessly ticked off a gun supporter.
If not, you’ve just made a cadre of new opponents for Howell.
What good can this possibly serve???
2A supporters need all the help they can get. Time to post Susan’s rating, NRA.