As anyone who knows anything about GOP politics in the US can now tell you, there is a disconnect between the two wings of the Republican Party, the “moderate establishment wing” and the “Tea Party wing”. And since about 2012, in Virginia the two wings of the GOP have been at odds with each other more than they have been with our real enemy, the party of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. 2013 was a perfect opportunity for the two wings of the party to come together and enact real change, however the “moderate wing” lead by then Lt. Governor Bill Bolling decided when their man didn’t get the governor’s nomination he felt owed to him, they collectively had a fit, and ensured that Terry McAuliffe became our governor.
Quite frankly, the McAuliffe/McAwful regime has been a disaster for the Commonwealth. We are losing our economic freedoms, and workers are starting to leave Virginia for brighter pastures. The fact is that Virginia is at a tipping point, and we cannot afford to lose this election, or else our beloved home could start a downward spiral. The best way, quite frankly the only way, is to have a nominee who can unite the two wings of the GOP, and there is only one man running who can do the job, and that man is Ed Gillespie.
For the record, I refuse to bash either Corey Stewart (who is a personal friend of mine) or Frank Wagner. To the contrary, both are very talented men who have brought up some very good points. But there is only one man who is the total package of conservatism and that is Ed Gillespie. If elected, Ed will ensure that we have an across the board tax cut, something which will add a few extra dollars to each Virginia family. Ed understands that the McAwful regime has added too many new regulations and has promised to undo these regulations to ensure that Virginia will again become prosperous. Most importantly, Ed wants to devolve power from the state capitol in Richmond to the localities. Ed does not want Richmond to dictate to the localities, but wants the localities to be free to do as their citizens may want or choose. This can be painful at times, but a centralized state capitol which wields too much power can and will become tyrannical to the entire state.
To those who like to call Ed the ultimate establishment politician – Ed Gillespie has a proven record of bucking the system. Ed helped Newt Gingrich to take on the Bush 41 tax increases. Ed wrote the Contract with America, which singlehandedly put the House of Representatives back into Republican hands for the first time in over 40 years. Ed didn’t stop there. He took on the powers that be in Texas, helping to recruit then State Solicitor Ted Cruz to take on a sitting Lt. Governor for a Senate nomination, raised money for Cruz – the end result was thanks in large part to Ed Gillespie’s tireless work, the US Senate was blessed with having a true conservative in the race. This does not sound like an establishment hack to me. Sounds like a very principled man.
Contrary to what certain shills on social media would want you to believe, Ed not only did endorse the Trump/Pence ticket, but also campaigned tirelessly around the state with now Vice President Pence on behalf of the ticket.
I would be remiss if there was no mention of the love of Ed’s life, his beautiful wife Cathy. Not only has Cathy been a tireless campaigner, but she is the co chair of Constituting America, a group dedicated to making sure our youngsters know about the Constitution and how it impacts them and protects their rights. Teaching about the US Constitution is what a conservative team does. Ed and Cathy Gillespie are that conservative team.
On June 13, I ask that you vote for both the most conservative candidate, and the candidate best able to unite the two wings of the Virginia GOP – my good friend Ed Gillespie. For All Virginians.