Distance learning will cut down on hooliganism, alcoholism and social justice Leftism
A liberal friend posted this article from “The Chronicle of Higher Education,” outlining 18 reasons why colleges and universities should not reopen in the fall due to the coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic.
The Cal Tech professor who wrote the op-ed piece made a bunch of histrionic arguments about keeping students and faculty safe. This was the most amusing: “Assume a college rolls the dice and offers in-person classes this fall, and that its campus becomes the site of an outbreak in October. Thousands get sick and dozens die. What parent would send their kid to Coronavirus U. the following year?”
“Coronavirus U?” Really.
But actually, when I think about how higher education is so much in the toilet these days, perhaps keeping students and faculty off campus would be great. I am the parent of two college grads who focused on academics not partying or protests, but I didn’t like my hard earned savings paying for an array of bureaucrats and do-nothing professors.
So, here are some other benefits to keep the campuses closed:
- Students will have to focus on learning, not socializing: With students at home with their parents, they will likely have to behave better and focus on the books – not fraternity parties and getting drunk.
- No social justice Leftist protests: It’s good to use “social distancing” between radical professors and students whom they seek to indoctrinate – and even better, they can’t collude to arrange the various foolish protests like firebombing facilities that host conservative speakers and throwing feces at them.
- No need for ‘safe spaces’: If a student is at home with his or her parents, and zooming with friends off line, that is the safe space! No need to mingle with those “white privileged” kids who make you feel inadequate or the rare person with a Trump hat that makes you go nuts.
- Fewer administrators and staff: I don’t like to see folks laid off, but in academia I welcome it. After all, academia is America’s Fifth Column and needs to be reined in. Colleges and universities need to tighten their belts. With online learning, there’s no need for all that staff, so it should save on tuition increases and student borrowing. In 2018, 22 percent of college graduates defaulted on their loans
- Fewer colleges: I actually like the idea of some of these marginal schools going under. About 25 percent of four-year schools face closure due to the COVID 19 situation In my view, some of these campuses should be gobbled up by the schools with big endowments and who have no problem getting applicants, notably the Ivies and elite schools. I always wondered why these universities do not expand so more students can get a “name degree.” Despite the fact the Ivies and elite schools are very much part of the Fifth Column, the reality is they provide great education and connections for students – and have amazing graduate programs.
- No fraternity hooliganism and racist incidents: Almost every year, it seems some fraternity or campus social group crosses the line with some racist incident, hazing incident or something that sparks national media scrutiny. By keeping kids distant from each other, this lessens the chance – -except of course on social media.
- No money-losing Title IX women’s sports: It’s well documented that Title IX of the U.S. Civil Rights Act has cost universities dearly in an effort to provide “equity” for female sports teams. Since 1988, 330 Division I men’s teams have been cut while 803 women’s team were added. The average spending on women’s teams at bowl-bound football teams schools went from $5.5 million to $10.5 million between 2005 and 2015 . So, with COVID 19, I guess universities will save a lot on sports teams that are money losers in the name of “equity.”
- An opportunity to eject Chinese nationals from campus until China pays for this pandemic: This is the One negotiating card I am amazed President Trump has not pulled yet in his dealings with China on trade. A large number of American universities and private secondary schools are heavily dependent on China students , among them New York University, University of California – Berkeley, Columbia University, University of Southern California and Michigan. The elites of China including a number of high ranking government officials send their kids to U.S. schools to get them into the best American universities. Now is a good time to cut off their visas unless the Chinese communist government doesn’t pay up. Trump needs to do this now before the students re-enroll in the fall.
Perhaps I sound too Machiavellian. But it was former Obama Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel who said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Democrats are doing that now with COVID 19, moving the goalposts every time there’s a push to reopen the country.
So, if liberals want to keep us all safe from COVID 19 we should support them in keeping America safe from the Marxist Leninist radicals who rule our campuses and let them organize on Zoom.