As a resident of House District 56 and Senate District 10, I can say that I will be honored to cast my vote and be blessed to be represented by our next Delegate Tom Garrett and Senator John McGuire.
Bradley Driskill Jr
A vote for Amanda Chase is a vote for standing up to the establishment, speaking the truth in the midst of harsh criticism and fighting for what is right even if it makes you an outcast to the masses.
Delegate John McGuire won the nomination with 63% of the vote in only one round of voting against three other candidates
Hermie will be an advocate for life but also an advocate for the Second Amendment, small businesses, bettering our schools, standing for parental rights and lowering our taxes.
if you live in House District 11 consider voting for this young patriot who will fight for our Conservative values and then some too. Philip has my endorsement and full support!
We have a sin problem, not a gun problem