In a straw poll taken at last night’s Loudoun Tea Party meeting members made it very clear that they do not share their leader’s choice for Congress in the 10th district. Earlier this week Loudoun Tea party leader John Jaggers endorsed Barbara Comstock for Congress. A spokesman for the Tea Party said they thought it necessary to poll their members because of the controversy surrounding that endorsement. At the meeting Howie Lind was the overwhelming choice for Congress among the group. Barbara Comstock received only two votes and Bob Marshall received three votes. The rest of the group who voted, 10 people, chose Howie Lind. The other Congressional candidates did not receive any votes. Not everyone participated in the straw poll survey.
In the race for Senate Shak Hill was the big winner with 9 votes. Ed Gillespie received three votes, Chuck Moss got one vote and two members voted ‘none of the above’. In choosing their preferred method for nominating a candidate, 9 preferred a convention, 4 preferred a primary, and one choose a mass meeting.