I did not think I would be making an endorsement for the 2024 Presidential Election this early but after much thought, prayer and looking back at almost the past eight years I am announcing my support for 45th President Donald Trump to return to the White House to finish a job that he started of making America a great nation once again, honoring the God-given life, liberty and pursuit of happiness as recognized by our Founding Fathers. Here are some reasons why I am supporting Trump.
As a pro life activist that believes life begins at conception and that abortion should be abolished completely, I will admit that while I strongly disagree with Trump’s opinion that there should be acceptions with rape, incest etc. I look at what he has done in the case for unborn life and in this case his three Supreme Court Justice nominations (Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett) being installed to the nation’s highest court, that and by the grace of God resulting in the overturning of Roe V Wade in June 2022 now returning the decision back to the states who have the opportunity to end this senseless act of genocide and now it is up to we the people to do the right thing and demand from our states executive and legislative branches to put end to this senseless act of murder once and for all. Make no mistake this is no compromise of my values in any way but acknowledgement of the facts and the work done towards this crucial issue.
As a Christian Conservative, I also acknowledge the promise that Trump kept (that the other presidents prior have promised but backed down from) the recognization of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to the Holy City. What many people fail or neglect to mention is that this move was a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. In this case, one can indeed say “promises made, promises kept”.
While many claim that Trump is a divider of the United States, I personally have seen him as a leader who has worked hard to unite our country and lead us in a direction that will allow our nation to grow and prosper but sadly many, even in the Republican Party have refused to see it as such being that it was a hindrance to their special interest and business as usual politics. Seriously the man even worked with our enemies (Kim Jong Un being a prime example) to keep the peace by maintaining relationships without compromise. Last I checked I never saw Obama try to do such and Biden has only done more bridge burning than holding on to the progress made through Trump’s actions.
Point is people hate Donald Trump because he was a businessman who was done with this country’s dirty backroom deals that only put the American people on the back burner, they didn’t like his firm attitude that kept a system of checks and balances on those who wished to make deals with this great nation and would only settle for no less than progress made the fair and honest way.
Is Trump perfect? No, and far from it, and yes I have disagreed with him on a few occasions whether it would be endorsements, certain situations, or yes, even some comments he had made but folks let’s be honest with ourselves every human being, every candidate that will come to the platform seeking the Republican nomination for President will have his/her faults, pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses you name it. There is none nor will there ever be the perfect candidate or person as the only one that was and always will be is Jesus Christ.
I am endorsing, supporting and planning on voting for Donald Trump to be my president once again because he has done the work and has proved that he can do it once more getting our nation back on track.
I will watch the debates, I will listen to what each candidate has to say, and even give credit when and where it’s due but as for me, I know that when it comes time to the primaries that the right man for the job to me will be Donald J. Trump. I hope you will join me and many others in sending Trump back to Washington to finish the job that he can do well.
Congratulations!! You just won the Most Ignorant Post of the Century trophy.
The only person I’ll vote for is Trump.
At one time, after Trump, I considered DeSantis. After he renounced the J6 patriots and joined the Bush/Rove cartel, he was off the list.
I haven’t any kids, therefore, I’ll vote my heart, not what’s politically expedient.
If it’s not Trump, I’ll be writing in a candidate; unless Michelle Obama runs the last minute, which I think is the plan.
“Point is people hate Donald Trump because ” he’s an ahole
I did not intend to vote for Trump next year. I was looking to vote for DeSantis in the primary. After the phony indictment of Trump yesterday, I’m supporting Trump. I am not alone.
I support Trump because he is not part of the elite corrupt government;
1) Why did the Federal Government charge Deja Taylor on Federal gun charges?
2) Why hasn’t the same Federal Government charged Hunter Biden on the very same Federal gun charges?
Is it because Deja is black or because Hunter is white?
NO! It’s because the elites Democrats only charge crimes for their own benefit and to go after political opponents and their constituents.
Save America

Trump 2024
Now how do you feel, redcap? Still going to support a treasonous felon?
The traitor in the White House is a red Marxist.
Would William F Buckley vote for Trump? Would Barry Goldwater vote for Trump. Don’t know the answer but it does cross my mind.
Thank you. You mirror the thoughts of most of us who are certain that the 20202 election was stolen. If he our nominee I will campaign for him, again and vote for him, again.
Ever talk to anybody who escaped after the breakup of the Soviet Union? I suspect you haven’t.
Blinders on? Check. Democrat position papers in hand? Check. Keyboard readY? Check. Troll! Your willful blindness to the actual evidence, and no, I’m not going to link it, you can, but won’t, look it up yourself.
Kevin sounds very much like a poster John D. Martin. I suspect they re the same 12 year old.
I am not a racist, but I am in charge here. So Buh-bye to you.
“I am not a racist, . . . ” And I’ll bet some of your best friends are Black.
If you feel the need to proclaim this . . .