The objectives that Trump-haters pursued—overturning many of his policies in short order—resulted in chaos domestically and abroad. Moreover, their lurch to the left in pressing for “woke” polices upset the delicate balance between what the electorate will assimilate and what they can bear.
Guest Contributor Scott Lingamfelter
Those who want to end telework should consider how doing so will actually harm efforts to reduce unnecessary federal spending and the burden that places on taxpayers.
Be warmed during this chilly season by the love of Jesus
Let’s hope we can begin now to return our nation to one where virtue matters, as well as scientific facts. It is well past time to clearly define what is deviant.
We are confronted by “woke” nonsense about who we are as a people, our genders, the words we can use, the terms that are offensive, and a manufactured distorted history of our founding designed to justify the preceding nonsense.
The general election where Northam defeated my friend Ed Gillespie—a good and honorable man—that infuriates me about this scandal
What the President needs to do before he evokes emergency powers to build the wall