Every once in a while, a story breaks that brings together all the elements of a problem, and crystallizes the arguments, for BOTH sides of a controversial issue. Such is the case with young Elliott Rodger, who went on a killing spree in California that…
Tim Donner
Obamacare has so far been a disaster, with the totally incompetent and staggeringly overpriced rollout of a relatively simple website and the realization that the twin promises upon which passage of the bill was based – lower costs and the ability for those currently insured…
Now that Republicans’ attempts to negotiate with themselves and satisfy the Democrats have failed, the system is down (in more than one way) and the pollsters are already telling us that the GOP will bear the brunt of public anger over the government shutdown. I’m…
The former speaker of the house made a remarkable comment a few days ago. The cupboard is bare. There’s no more cuts to make. Only a left-wing Washington politician could describe a cupboard – the federal budget – with over $3,000,000,000,000 in it as bare.…
It would have been absolutely unthinkable ten years, five years, perhaps even one year ago. Muslims demonstrating on the National Mall on September 11th. We have come a long way in the 12 years since that fateful day, haven’t we? Yes, we have now seemed…