Shak Hill, Candidate for the GOP 2014 Nomination for U.S. Senate
Hill, who has been lagging behind frontrunner and former RNC and RPV Chairman Ed Gillespie in the endorsements department, today picked up a big one. The Gun Owners of America released a powerful endorsement of Hill as an advocate for and defender of all Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
After noting the ‘F’ rating incumbent Sen. Mark Warner has from the organization, the endorsement goes on to say:
It is now time for Virginians to make their voices heard and vote out this anti-gun crusader.
And that’s exactly why we are endorsing Shak Hill, a man ready to undo the anti-gun record of Senator Warner, and defend our Second Amendment from the hands of liberal gun grabbers.
Shak has personally met with us and gave us a detailed description of the importance of protecting and restoring our Second Amendment rights. He successfully answered the Gun Owners of America candidate questionnaire with 100% accuracy, and is prepared to stand against the anti-gun agenda of Senator Harry Reid.
For those that don’t know, the GOA is the hardcore gun rights alternative to the NRA. While the NRA often makes strategic political moves in furtherance of the gun rights “long game,” the GOA makes its calls purely on the basis of which candidates can be relied upon to have a true, deep-seated understanding of the importance of the Second Amendment. This endorsement will help Hill among grassroots leaders, including members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) and others for whom gun rights are a top issue.
Hill still has a great deal of ground to cover to catch up with Gillespie’s numerous endorsements from respected elected officials and conservative figures, including Sen. Mark Obenshain, Del. Rob Bell, and a number of other GOP officials and members of the General Assembly. And, as we noted earlier in the week, Hill’s field effort appears to be getting a bit of a late start. But endorsements like this are exactly what Hill needs in order to demonstrate to convention-goers eager for a victory that his candidacy is indeed viable.
See below for the full text of the GOA endorsement: