This just might work!
Ken Reid
Denounced as a racist, fascist warmonger at the time (sound familiar?), Reagan became one of our greatest presidents.
Although Trump now leads 2016 polls, in 2017 we cannot afford to allow Democrats to win the new voter registration battle.
Loudoun Supervisors knew what they were saddling Loudoun with and they voted for it anyway. Let’s not forget that.
Chairman of the Board Corey Stewart will not be sticking Prince William County with Metro.
Metro lines to close down for 6 months at a time with an increase in taxes to pay for it. Or, when “we told you so” just isn’t enough.
Ray Rice, a running back for the Baltimore Ravens, lost his job and cannot play football again after it came to light that he had abused his wife, prior to their marriage, in what both claimed was a one time incident. The full story on…