Tom Rust (R-Herndon) has represented the 86th district in the House of Delegates for the last 13 years. Prior to being a Delegate, Rust served as Mayor of Herndon for 20 years. Last month he announced his retirement from the House of Delegates. His district has…
Tom Rust
This post was originally published on September 19. It has been updated to include commentary on certain responses to our suspicions that the appropriations bill passed last week may have made it easier for Gov. McAuliffe to expand Medicaid on his own.
Throughout the discussion of Medicaid expansion in Virginia, a particular theme keeps coming up: that the Governor may retain the ability to expand Medicaid coverage under Obamacare unilaterally, based on the executive branch’s existing authority to manage the state’s Medicaid plan, and leveraging language contained in the 2013 budget that set the stage for expansion via a special legislative commission (the Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission, or MIRC).