Washington, D.C.—-The Big Nasty
As a White House correspondent, I have witnessed some unusually rude behavior in the press briefing room.
Usually it’s White House reporters in the coveted front row yelling silly “gotcha” questions at press secretary Sarah Sanders. In these instances, cameras are rolling and it’s all about getting a sound bite. It’s paid rudeness. I get it. Yesterday, however, took the cake. Waiting respectfully in the press briefing room was Dr. Seb Gorka, a former White House advisor to President Trump and author of the book: “Why We Fight.” Gorka is now an afternoon syndicated radio talk show host and I carry his daily show on my radio network. Gorka, myself, and other key radio talk show hosts were gathered in the press briefing room waiting for a meeting with President Trump in the Oval Office. Gorka, minding his own business and standing by the door quietly, was sought out by CNN’s White House reporter Jim Acosta, who tapped him on the shoulder and asked him with a surly tone, “Why are you here? This place is for journalists only,” before storming off. I could say this is ironic, coming from America’s number one fake-newser, but I won’t. I have observed Acosta hog microphones, ignore colleagues, berate Trump spokespeople, treat the President with disdain and behave boorishly many times. I always chalked this up to his “schtick” that was likely encouraged by his employer. Now that I have witnessed an unprovoked verbal assault on an innocent bystander by Acosta, I’m starting to think that he is just plain nasty. Frankly, I’m embarrassed for him. Hey Jim, how about “Happy New Year, Seb.” Discussing it on my radio show today, Gorka had this to say about his confrontation with Acosta: “Jim Acosta is a punk and a coward. After his insult, he ran away and hid downstairs for forty minutes, rather than have to walk past me.” As for Gorka: welcome to the media snake pit, Seb. Trump In High Spirits I had the unique privilege of talking personally to President Trump twice in the last three weeks. In both meetings, the President was upbeat, energized, in good humor, confident and effusive. He is excited about the future for America and enthusiastic about 2019. President Trump has a great sense of humor and he’s really very funny one on one. The reports of the President being isolated, of dark mood or mad and “raging” are fake news. He’s in great spirits. FAKE NEWSERS It’s fake news. In an extended public meeting with senior staff, you simply can’t feign harmony. The high level team at that table was animated and committed to the President’s agenda. They like each other. They are working together toward a common goal. I observed the exact opposite of what the legacy media is peddling. Best Quotes Of The Week …And former Milwaukee Sherrif David Clarke on why national Dems have gone to a seemingly political suicide mission of open borders, sanctuary states and cities, drivers licenses, free health care, food stamps and welfare for illegal aliens: “They need to replenish their vote base.” Best Tweet of 2018 Now the neo-cons, warmongers and military industrial complex profiteers are going ballistic about pulling our 2,000 troops out of Syria. Meanwhile, President Obama said we would be in Syria for about three months—that was five years ago. There is money to be made, said the fleecers at Goldman Sachs…and the rest of the defense department war supply contractors. No wars, no money. I guess now the Democrats are the Party of War? Democrats want to stay in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia…and anywhere else that Trump wants to get out of. Didn’t Nancy Pelosi win the speakers gavel in 2006 on a platform of ending U.S. involvement in these Middle-Eastern wars? And didn’t President Trump campaign on getting out of these same wars? What a difference Trump makes….to Democrats. If he ever played “opposite land” with Pelosi and Schumer he’d get his whole agenda done in six months. Coming next week: Best selling authors Corey Lewandowski and Dave Bossie have launched a new blockbuster podcast…and it’s a must listen! Here’s a peek! |