Reporting on an incident in one of The Bull Elephant’s old comments threads, Virtucon calls out the Wasinger campaign for vile and sexist tactics. The Virtucon post, by Thor’s Hammer, is reprinted here in full:
The Rob Wasinger for Congress campaign has gone too far.
Jonathan Weinberg (Or Jon Scott, or J. Scott Weinberg, or whatever name he’s going by these days) is the press secretary for the Wasinger for Congress campaign and has spent the last few weeks trolling comment sections on well known blogs with attacks on the conservative credentials on both Barbara Comstock and Bob Marshall. The claims are outlandish and borderline libelous, but now the Wasinger campaign has taken it to a whole new level, targeting other commenters with sexist attacks.

Rob Wasinger’s Press Secretary presumably acting in his official capacity as spokesperson for Wasinger for Congress
That, I’m afraid, isn’t even the worst of it. In a subsequent thread, Rob Wasinger’s press secretary goes even further, using his previous comment to tee up a sexist attack that not only degrades himself and his boss but everything the Wasinger campaign has done:
The deleted comment has been provided here because it must see the light of day:
This hasn’t been a good week for out of context sexist comment outrage. But now we have a Republican campaign’s mouthpiece and a former elected Supervisor in Warren County actively attacking a female GOP activists as a “raging bitch”.
Johnathan Weinberg (or Jon Scott or Scott Weinberg) and the Rob Wasinger for Congress campaign have gone too far in attacking candidates and activists in the 10th District. Their actions not only reflect poorly on the campaign but on all Republicans who are working hard to combat false and disingenuous attacks on a Conservative agenda and public image.
This type of language has no place in the Republican Party of Virginia, in political discourse, and deserves much more than apology. This deserves a resignation, a removal from the race, or an epic loss at the polls come April.