UPDATE: Don’t ever think your vote doesn’t count. Eric Noble lost his race for Sheriff because of 5 votes in the Dulles district. Five votes.
Check here to learn what is happening at the Loudoun County Republican convention. We will have updates throughout the convention. Registration begins in 30 minutes at 8:30 and continues until 10:00. Delegates in line by 10:00 you can register to vote. The convention begins at 10:00 and the organizers hope that it will conclude between noon and 1:00 pm. It’s a beautiful day in Loudoun County! [read_more]
And we’re off! Convention began right on time. Waved the reading of the Call. Sheriff Chapman and Ralph Buona won the sign wars outside but we all know signs don’t vote. Lots of Chapman stickers but more people sporting Noble stickers. Much support for both Ralph Buona and Joe Scalione.
10:20 Eric Noble gives a great speech, very inspiring, followed by huge round of applause, delegates stand and cheer. Mike Chapman speaking way too fast and sounds like a rushed bureaucrat talking about his task forces. He’s clearly nervous. Reading his list of accomplishments. Speaking too fast and too loud. He’s still reading from his list. Eric Noble didn’t read his speech. Chapman’s speech is not good, reading too fast. Now Chapman is bashing Noble. Eric Noble said nothing about Chapman in his speech.
10:30 Ralph Buona talking, way too fast and way too loud. Talking about being on the board and all his positions on the board. He too seems nervous and too much bragging. This man is not warm and fuzzy. It almost sounds like he’s yelling at us. Accuses his opponent of running a negative campaign. Presents his list of accomplishments in Ashburn. Applause from those outside his district when he talks about lowering taxes.
10:35 Joe Scalione, much kinder and more gentle. Fiscal conservative. Transparency and responsibility. Collaboration with residents. Communication. Town Hall meetings to address the needs of everyone. Financial integrity. Contest is about fiscal conservative issues. Surplus should have been returned to the people. He will represent the people, not the special interests.
10:40 RPV Chairman John Whitbeck, tells us almost 1,000 delegates have shown up today. We’re going to sweep the BOS and Constitutional officers, delegates and senators. Our party is going to unite, ending the party infighting for good. Good speech.
Pete Snyder, Financial Chairman of RPV. Tells us how important it is to win in Loudoun County. Grassroots challenge until the first of June. Give money!
10:50 Ashburn voting, They are the biggest delegation because of their race for supervisor.
Delegate numbers:
Algonkian 47
Ashburn 235
Blue Ridge 142
Broad Run 68
Catoctin 157
Dulles 41
Leesburg 89
Sterling 48
Military 0
As usual Western Loudoun, (Blue Ridge and Catoctin), is over represented but all votes are weighted. From here on it’s voting, speeches by candidates who are uncontested, and waiting for results.
Noon–Convention on ‘pause’ do to irregularities in Ashburn voting. It seems 20+ voters from other districts voted in Ashburn. Their votes could effect the outcome of the supervisor race in that district and possibly the outcome of sheriff’s race.
12:20 Voting resumed, Catoctin district voting. Three districts still to vote, Dulles, Leesburg, and Sterling. Then the wait for results. It looks like we won’t be out of here by 1:00 as LCRC had hoped.
1:20 Voting completed, waiting for results.
1:25 Chairman Haynes says “We’re getting there” on tabulating the votes.
1:50 Results should be very soon. A total of 888 delegates voted. Weighting gave delegates in Algonkian and Dulles over 10 votes each. They are gathering the candidates so it looks like results are in. Rumers say Chapman won by 60 weighted votes, which is 6 to 9 real votes because of the weighting. Quite a shock.
2:10 Final Results:
Ashburn Supervisor
Ralph Buona wins by acclimation
Republican nominee for Sheriff:
Eric Noble moves that Mike Chapman wins by acclimation