Ted Cruz defies the polls and knocks a big hole in the Trump aura of inevitability.
Marco Rubio
Despite the “concerns” raised by Donald Trump, both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are eligible to be President.
Rubio Skips Omnibus Vote – Senator Marco Rubio was the only Senator running for President to skip voting on the Omnibus Budget Disaster today. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and even Bernie Sanders voted NO to the bill, while Lindsey Graham voted YES. Rubio Skips…
Once again, the liberal media does its best to make our candidates look extreme and un-Presidential.
A quick summary of tonight’s CNN/Facebook Republican Presidential Debate from Las Vegas, NV.
The Florida Senator is poised to announce broad-based support from across the Republican Party of Virginia
Marco Rubio picking up steam among mainstream, traditional Republicans, while Ted Cruz ignites among movement conservatives