Our job is to elect Republicans at all levels and WIN the White House this November and then retake all the Statewide offices in 2017.
Aaron Gulbransen
Vince is a man of integrity and conviction. He is absolutely committed to conservative principles.
Tom Garrett is not a member of the Establishment.
By golly! Gee willikers! Shazam! Two guys who in 2012 basically tried to kill each other (politically speaking) came together today to offer their thoughts on the RPV Chairman’s race.
There’s an old song that contains the lyrics, “Here we go round in circles…” That’s what the rhetorical gymnastics of the explanations behind the 7th District paid delegate prefiles feel like to me.
11th GOP District Chairman, Terry Wear, via a campaign email, has run afoul of the Code of the Commonwealth.
The extracurricular activities of the RPV Chairman and Executive Director raise a number of interesting questions.