If only Barbara Comstock would support more tax increases and amnesty for illegal immigrants like the Republican candidate in the 8th district, Micah Edmond, the Washington Post might have been able to endorse her.[read_more] (Even with those things the Post didn’t endorse Micah Edmond.) Comstock’s…
Barbara Comstock
A recent poll in the 10th district shows Barbara Comstock with a commanding lead over John Foust, 51% to 35%. A poll earlier this month showed Comstock up 46% to 34% and the left leaning Democrat House PAC showed Comstock leading 41% to 39%.[read_more] Last…
Great news for the Comstock campaign! The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is pulling its funding for television ads in Virginia’s 10th district to put the money into the race of a democratic incumbent in Northern California. DCCC has cancelled their ad buys totaling $2.8 million…
TBE provided live commentary from today’s debate between Del. Barbara Comstock and John Foust. A few things became clear: Foust simply cannot debate, has no ideas and nothing to run on except tired talking points. By contrast, Comstock is a real leader with a positive…
The Top of Virginia Chamber of Commerce held their annual Hob Nob in the Valley last night in Middletown, in the Shenandoah Valley. Four hundred people attended to enjoy an evening of barbecue and politics. [read_more]All three Virginia Senate candidates were in attendance, Republican Ed…
Check out the quick video below, where Wolf—widely liked and respected around the 10th District—praises Barbara Comstock (even reciting some of the “real jobs” she’s had). Here’s hoping that his endorsement carries some weight. Rep. Frank Wolf offers warm endorsement of his preferred successor. was…
Yesterday, The Bull Elephant reported how John Foust, Democrat candidate for the 10th District Congressional seat, made a sexist remark about his opponent Barbara Comstock, saying that she had never had a “real job.” Foust made his remarks despite Comstock’s well-known career of “real jobs,”…