After yesterday’s letter eviscerating Howie Lind’s radio ads attacking Barbara Comstock on Medicaid expansion, Howie Lind punches back twice as hard.
Barbara Comstock
House GOP leaders defend one of their own against misleading ads from Howie Lind on Barbara Comstock’s Medicaid record.
UPDATED WITH STRAW POLL RESULTS BELOW First, a big shout out and thank you to candidate Marc Savitt for mentioning The Bull Elephant as one of his daily sources for news! Several hundred people came to Sterling last night for the 10th district debate. …
Today E.W. Jackson, the 2013 Lt. Governor candidate, endorsed Delegate Bob Marshall for Congress in the 10th Congressional District election. Congressman Frank Wolf is retiring, so it is an open seat contest. In part of Jackson’s endorsement he stated: Please know that I am not making…
In a poll conducted by Citizens United over this last weekend, Del. Barbara Comstock outshines her nearest rival by a 4-to-1 margin in her bid for the GOP nomination to replace retiring Rep. Frank Wolf.
I’m a big fan of ShePAC and their mission and Barbara Comstock received their endorsement late last week. Teri Christoph is the co-chair of ShePAC. I’ve known her for years and she is an amazing woman, entrepreneur and social media guru. Teri was a co-founder…
The Comstock campaign continues to build momentum, showing along the way an exceptionally broad base of support.