As we reported live on Saturday, the appeals and controversies from the 2nd Congressional District were ultimately dealt with by the Republican Party of Virginia’s State Central Committee endorsing a compromise arrangement reached by the competing candidates for 2nd District Chairman. The settlement between Curtis…
Curtis Colgate certified 2nd District Chairman, Virginia Beach mass meeting left undisturbed. Fauquier appeal denied, 1st District ruling upheld, meaning Fauquier required to conduct another canvass. Campbell appeal sustained, new mass meeting to be held in Campbell.
The ad hoc Appeals Committee appointed to review the facts from both sides of this spring’s fractious contest for Virginia’s 2nd District Republican Committee chairmanship has reached its conclusions.
The governing body of the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) meets this Saturday in Short Pump to hear appeals from around the state relating to this spring’s intraparty elections. The RPV State Central Committee (SCC) will resolve controversies originating from the local GOP mass meetings…
Slating is a rare, highly controversial parliamentary maneuver. For this reason, it should be held to the very highest level of scrutiny, and where it fails – as it does here – it should be soundly rejected.
Slash and burn in service of ‘keep it small, control it all’
This Saturday, the Fifth District Republican Committee, chaired by Senator Bill Stanley, will meet to determine the fate of the appeal seeking to overturn the slating at the Campbell County GOP’s 2014 mass meeting.