We have another extremely strong Second Amendment supporter in Richmond and he is starting early to protect our fundamental Constitutional rights in Virginia.[read_more]
Del. Mark Berg, 29th District, representing parts of Frederick and Warren counties and the city of Winchester prefiled legislation to directly combat Gov. McAuliffe’s “War on Guns” initiative.
His two prefilings are for College Carry and State Agency Pre-Emption.
HB 1389 will allow college students to protect themselves on their college campuses.
“No college student legally able to possess a firearm in Virginia and obtain a concealed handgun permit honored in Virginia should be prevented from exercising his God-given right to self-defense. The Second Amendment is one of the most inviolable rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights,” says Del. Berg, “and this legislation is long overdue for consideration by the General Assembly.”
HB 1390 will prohibit state agencies from barring the carrying and/or possession of firearms on their grounds. The only exceptions that will remain are state, local, and regional correctional facilities and facilities operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. “This bill is designed to protect Virginians from infringement of the Second Amendment rights by the ever-expanding state bureaucracy,” says Del. Berg.
“Governor McAuliffe is not in touch with average Virginians who have rejected calls for increased gun control, and he is determined to force his liberal, unconstitutional, gun control agenda on all of us,” says Del. Berg.
“I look forward to standing up against Governor McAuliffe’s attempts to render innocent citizens defenseless against life-threatening violence.”
Del. Berg plans to unveil more legislation dedicated to protecting the right of Virginians to keep and bear arms in the very near future. Noteworthy, Del. Berg, in support of an individual’s God given rights to life, liberty and property, will advocate for ‘Constitutional Carry’—allowing law-abiding citizens to carry firearms openly or concealed (at the individual’s discretion) for any reason except for the commission of a crime—and will work to help it pass.
Questions about proposed legislation can be directed to his Legislative Assistant, Craig Storrs at [email protected] or via phone at (540) 247-5201.