In the end, both sets of people (nearly all Trump supporters) supporting Trump are not doing so because of a rational decision making process, but because of the emotional feelings gleaned from the fantasy of a Trump Presidency.
Paul A. Prados
Episode Two: With Friends Like These…
According to records obtained via a FOIA request, starting in late 2014 the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence worked with the Attorney General’s office to limit the scope of CCW reciprocity in the Commonwealth.
The article I first saw this in identified Reston as the farthest reaches of the radius (it is well inside the radius). As a Restonian I find it quite humorous that the FAA issued a sign in Reston’s official “color…” Brown.
RPV has good arguments about why the delegation death penalty would be unjust and disproportional, but with the nomination of the next President of the United States potentially hanging in the balance, we cannot be assured that a politically-motivated hit job against our delegation would be deflected by such equitable arguments.
Imagine how much power and influence Herring has when he can convince a career law enforcement officer to renege on 12 years of his accepted policy.
At least the ends justify the means, as this is all for the good of the Party.